b'SECTION REPORTSOurStrategicPlanningCommit- andothercountrieshavebecomemorial Foundation and review some tee met throughout the year. Topicsthat much more important. The stu- oftheprogramsthathavebeen focused on were retention, engage- dent scholarships at each Canadi- supported. The history of worldwide ment and communication with Fel- an university are supported by theICD, the ICD Tartan and the Cana-lows. Many ideas were considered.generousdonationfromQuikcarddian Section are documented in the TheCanadianSectionhasdoneSolutions and Honorary Fellow LyleHistory Section of the site.betterinthisregardthansomeBest.other similar organizations despiteCeremony Recapthechallengesofthepandemic.Ourprofessionalandpersonal There are two projects currently be- liveshavebeensignificantlyim- The 2021 ICD Canada Virtual Fel-ing considered that could raise thepacteddirectlyandindirectlybylowshipCeremonywasthemain profile of the College. the pandemic. So, as we proceedevent for the past two years. The TheCanadianSectionislook- withintegratedlevelsofoptimismnew Fellows received their ICD Fel-ing forward to a return to normal.and caution with pandemic and in- lowship in absentia, which was the We hope to gather in person soonternational unrest, we reflect on theformat developed by the College as to celebrate our Fellows achieve- importanceoftheCollegeanditsa result of the impact of the pan-ments, the ideals of our organiza- role and continue to make programdemic and the inability to have in-tion and to foster a greater senseimprovements. person events. The ceremony was of belonging. Looking forward to thewell received by new Fellows, ICD future. Fellows, family and friends. The for-Technology Updates mat included a chat line for anyone to join in, so we had opportunities to Registrars Report The changes to the ICD Canadareceive feedback from many induct-Gordon Thompson websitehavebeencompleted.ees during the ceremony. This required a complete platformWe are all looking forward to the This is a special time as the Col- change to Wild Apricot. The frame- nextin-personconvocationand legehasjustcelebratedits100thwork includes the website and hasgala, which could come as late as anniversary. For most of us, this isnow been integrated with the WildJune2023,whentheCanadian the most significant honor that weApricotMembershipManagementDentalAssociationmeetsinCal-will receive in our professional ca- System.Thismakestheoverallgary, Alberta.reer. This honor was magnified bydatamanagementtotallyintegrat-awomanwhosegrandfatherhaded. Data is only entered or changed onceratherthanutilizingmultiple2022 Officersrecentlypassedaway.Shenoteddatasets. More information is nowPresident: Heinz ScherlethatthiswasthemostsignificantreadilyavailabletotheCanadianPresident Elect: Ed OBrienhonor that her grandfather had evermembership than ever before. TheVice President: Maureen receivedandhowmuchitmeantFellowshipnominationformhasLefebvretohim.Itwasevenmoresignifi- been simplified and is very accessi- Registrar: Gordon Thompsoncant that she noted she was Hisble. The best source of informationEditor: Drew SmithProudGranddaughter,whichun- on such topics as governance and Contact Informationderscores that the honor can tran- bylaws is on the website. MembersDr. Gordon Thompsonscend generations. can check their membership status2318 Rutherford Way SWandpaytheirdues365daysperEdmonton, Alberta, T6W 1P4 CanadaThesignificanceofICDhasin- yearwithouthavingtoreceiveanTel: +1 (780) 993-0615creasedasthemembershippro- invoice. One can easily review [email protected],studentscholarshipsandnews and events along with how towww.icd-canada.orghumanitarian programs in Canadadonate to the William J. Spence Me-THE GLOBE2022No. 2SECTION REPORTS 9'