b'SECTION REPORTSSection XXIn 2021, Section XX leaders collaborated to develop improved systems and guidelines, as well as new approaches to recruitment.Registrars ReportCommittee took the opportunity toXX members. It was decided that Joseph R. Kenneally begin a serious evaluation of thethe best form of governance docu-structureandfunctioningofthement for the Section would be a Section. For its entire history, Sec- set of Standing Rules, which were tion XX was the only ICD Sectiondrafted by the committee and ap-that did not have its own Bylawsproved by the International Coun-or Standing Rules. It was admin- cilonSept.11,2021.TheCol-istered by the International Coun- lege leadership hopes that these cil through the Secretary GeneralStanding Rules will pay dividends since its inception, and although itovertimeinfurtherdeveloping was described and defined withinandimprovingtheRegionsof the College Bylaws, it had no gov- Section XX.ernaning guidelines of its own by which to operate.High Visibility WalkTsecond COVID-19 pan- TheCouncildecidedthatanOn Oct. 23, 2021, Fellow Coretta headhoccommitteeonSectionFergus, Regent of Region 32 Eng-demicyearof2021wasXXstructurewouldbeanexcel- lish-SpeakingCaribbean,helped oneofgreatchallengeslentwayfortheCollegetocre- implement the High Visibility Walk for the Regions, regents and Fel- ateandprovidetoolsanddocu- tocommemorateFinancialInfor-lows of Section XX. It took longermation Month on the island coun-forvaccinestobecomereadilyments to help Section XX and itstry of Montserrat. This walk was a available in smaller countries andleaderstosucceedandthrive.popular feature of the 2021 activi-developing nations than in largerThethen-InternationalPresidentties focused around Innovation in andmoredevelopedSections,Akira Senda appointed this com- the Face of Financial Adversity. whichledtomorelimitationsonmitteelastyear,anditscharges thepracticesandinstitutionsofincluded choosing and developingOver 60 people assembled at the Fellows in many parts of Sectionthe most appropriate governancestarting point where health checks XX. Despite this, there were stilldocumentforSectionXX;devel- were conducted by nurses. At the successestoreportfortheSec- oping job descriptions, guidelinesend of the walk, Dr. Fergus gave tion in terms of creating systemsand best practices for Section XXa short oral health talk highlighting to be successful in the future, inleadershippositions;brainstorm- the growing cost of providing den-the provision of humanitarian den- ingpotentialstrategiesformem- tal treatment and subsequently the tal care, and in the return of Newbership recruitment and retention,cost of neglecting ones oral health. Fellow inductions. including ways to keep membersShealsoencouragedparentsto paycloserattentiontotheirchil-With many activities within Sec- engagedlocallyandregionally;drensoralhealth,especiallythe tion XX and elsewhere shut down,andidentifyingwaystoprovideteenagers who appear to be leav-the College Office and Executivemore tangible benefits to Sectioning school with more dental caries 3 4 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'