b'SECTION REPORTSSection VIIJAPANThe Japanese Section successfully inducted new Fellows and held informational and educational sessions using hybrid strategies.Presidents GreetingtionVIArticlesofIncorporationemony was held to present award Motoko Suda were formed, the ICD Japan Sec- plaques and extra prizes to award-tion was born from a voluntary or- ee Fellows Jun Hirai, Mizuho Nishi-ganization. In 2019, under the lead- no and Hajimu Komuro. The Master ership of Past Section VII PresidentFellowawardceremonyforPast Takashi Miyazaki, an agreement ofPresident Miyazaki was also held.sisterhoodaffiliationamongthreeTheinductionceremonytook ICD Sections was signed, includingplace in two parts. During the first the Japan, Korea, and Taiwan Sec- part,PresidentSudapresented tions. After that, I became, and havetheFellowshipCertificate,Mission since remained, the 31st PresidentStatement, Fellowship Key and Fel-of ICD Section VII Japan. lowship Pin to all the new Fellows, TheCOVID-19pandemichasand Fellow Masao Yamazaki, repre-hadamajorimpactontheactivi- senting them, swore an oath. During tiesoftheJapaneseSection.Wethe second portion of the ceremony, C OVID-19 was still spreadinghavehadtodrasticallychangethe then International President Aki-in2021-2022,asithasourapproachestoholdeventsinra Senda and the presidents of the variedfromDeltato2020-2021. While addressing theseKoreaandTaiwanSectionsgave Omicron.Althoughthesymptomschanges during these times, we arevirtualcongratulatoryspeeches are less severe, the new variant iscontinuing our business through co- remotely,followedbygreetings highly contagious, and the numberoperationamongexecutivemem- fromthenewFellows,including of patients is increasing. The wholebers and committees with the flowthose made from the United States worldisfightingagainsttheafterof the powerful energy inherited inusing Zoom.effects of the same virus today. the Japanese Section.Since its foundation, the Interna- 2021 Annual Convocationtional College of Dentists (ICD) Ja- The 2021 Annual Meeting and In-pan Section has adopted the basicductionCeremonyofSectionVII principles of Fellows should recog- took place on June 5, 2021, at Hotel nizedistinguishedservicetothe profession;Fellowsshouldunder- Metropolitan Edmont in Tokyo, Ja-stand the moral principles; Fellowspan. The event was held in hybrid should uphold the highest standardformatusingZoomandadopting of professional and personal ethics,precautions such as masks and so-and thereby maintain their pride ascial distancing. PAST PRESIDENT Miyazaki was a Fellow. Aftertheannualmeeting,thepresentedwithMasterFellow-In February 2010, when the Sec- first ICD Japan Special Award Cer- ship during the annual meeting.18 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'