b'SECTION REPORTSing as many of you as possible inwiththeUkrainianMedical Asso- SectionFoundationwebsite Houston.Pleaseplannowtoat- ciation of North America to collectmoreuserfriendly,incorporat-tend. over$10,000indonationsanding social media while working giftsinkindtosupportoralsur- to increase effective communi-cation. We are also raising the Foundation Report geons treating craniofacial trauma Robert L. Frazer inUkraine.ManyUSAFellowspublic image of the Foundation, supportedtheseeffortswiththeiritshistory,purposeandactivi-Itisanhonortodonations. Dr. Hunter also led theties. We are intent on branding serveasPresi- initiative to raise funds to providethe Foundation around humani-dentoftheICDhygiene packs for Ukraine in part- tarian service, promoting volun-USA Section Foun- nership with Henry Schein Cares.teerism through e-blast newslet-dation(USAF),TheICDGlobalVisionaryFundters, the annual journal KEY, I whosemissionis(GVF) contributed $10,000, and theAmProudvideoandperiodic tosupportandUSA Section Foundation matchedsurveys. promoteeduca- raisedfundsover$20,000.ReadOn behalf of the USAF, I want tional,scientific,literaryandhu- more.to thank each of you who have manitarian efforts of the ICD USAThepandemicsdisruptionofalready so generously donated!Section and other collaborating or- the economy, including our dental ganizationsandindividuals.Thepractices and lack of face-to-face Foundation has been busy over theactivities, has had a negative effect2022 Officerslast 12 months carrying out this mis- on contributions to the Foundation.President: Ris L. Martinsion.Justpriortotheendof2021,In 2019, some 1,154 Fellows madePresident-Elect: Daniel W. Fridhover 30 applications for grants tocontributions,whileonly734Fel- Vice President: Ira R. Titunikworthy causes throughout the U.S.lows contributed in 2020. The num- Past President: Gerald R. Karrandabroadwerereviewed.Theyber of Fellows contributing in 2021Treasurer: Ronald P. Lemmofellagainto549,a52.4%dropEditor: Richard F. Roadcapincludedrepairingcleftlipsandfrom 2019 pre-pandemic contribu- Exec. Director: Elaine C. WagnerpalatesincountrieslikeMexicotors. Thechallengestoreengage and Costa Rica, the support of low- with our Fellows is a top priority of income veterans dental health tothe Foundation. Contact InformationMissions of Mercy in underservedUSA SectionAmerica,anddentalhealthmis- WearebeginningtouseourInternational College of Dentistssions led by ICD Fellows in coun- corpustodomoregoodworks.610 Professional Drive, Suite 201tries like Haiti, Armenia and Kenya.Henceforth,apercentageoftheGaithersburg, MD, 20879USAOther significant ongoing projectsICDInvestmentFundBalanceTel: +1 (301) 251-8861that Fellow donations support arewillbeavailableasabaselineFax: +1 (240) 224-7359 outlined on our website. forgrants,[email protected] www.usa-icd.orgOur Grants Committee Chair Dr.ingsufficientworthyapplications.USA Section Facebook Bill Hunter reached out to FellowMeanwhile,ourCommunicationUSA Section Instagram AndrewBrowar,whohasworkedCommittee is making the ICD USAUSA Section TwitterTHE GLOBE2022No. 2SECTION REPORTS 7'