b'SECTION REPORTSBANGLADESH MEETING Some of the Section XV leader-ship held a meeting during the BAOIDentalConferenceon June 12 to discuss ICD devel-opmentstrategiesinBangla-desh.Editors Noteto May 2022, we conducted anoth- to attend the induction ceremony of Nauman Khan er16webinarswith20speakersthe AcademyofDentistryInterna-fromEurope,theU.S.,Australia,tional (ADI). Dr. How delivered the China,Taiwan,Korea,Indonesia,ICD mission and vision to ADI lead-Section XV is a big family of mul- Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Thai- ers and presented educational lec-tiple countries, all working togetherlandandMalaysia. Asubcommit- tures. Read morehand-in-handforthebiggerandtee was formed to run the program,Asecondjointmeetingwasar-greater tomorrow for our new gen- whichconsistsofDr.Ibrahim,Dr.ranged by ICD Bangladesh Regent erationstocome.Today,SectionMahyunahMaSudandDr.AmyProf. Mola and Deputy Regent Dr. XV is approaching its fifth birthdayAmelia. We would like to thank allHossainattheBAOIInternational and has covered many milestones. ourdearspeakersforgivingICDDentalConferenceonJune12, But like all organizations, it couldntthere valuable time and energy with2022. Fellows from Bangladesh had resist the effects of the pandemic. their outstanding presentations onagrandinternationalconference. The past year has been a heavythelatestentitiesindentistry:Dr.A meeting with Drs. How and Ma-yearontheICDandSectionXV,Leong Kei Joe, Prof. Beoros Yavru- lik was also held to discuss future wherewelostmanyofourdearSakuk, Dr. Valentina Gecha, Prof.prospects of the ICD in Bangladesh. colleagues and Fellows. The pan- Jin Zuolin, Prof. Liu Yi, Dr. Steven demic is still covering vast areas ofChang, Prof. Syed Shah Faisal, Dr. the world, and a few countries areBudi Aslinie Md Sabri, Dr. Simona still in lock-down status preventingDianiskova,Prof.MotiurRahman2022 Officerssocial gatherings, especially someMolla,Dr.BennyM.Soegiharto,President: Dato Kim Chuan Howcountries of Section XV. Due to theProf. Arshad Malik, Prof. RahimahVice President: Arshad Mahmood Maliklock-downs, weve canceled manyAbdulKadir,Prof. TriErri Astoeti,Registrar: John Yu Kong LingacademicactivitiesandinductionDr. Farha Ariffin, Prof. Rosnah Zain,Treasurer: Monica Dewi Ranggainiceremonies. NaghamMohammed Abdullah Al- Editor: Nauman KhanJaf, Dr. Annapurny Venkiteswaran,Assistant Treasurer: Dominic LeungHowever,wedidnotrestandDato Prof. Emeritus Hashim Yaa- Wing Hungwaste time. Rather, we developedcob (RTD), Dr. Waranuchpithiphat,Honorary Advisor: Gerhard Konrad ourselvesonlinethroughsocialDr. Sunil Muddiah, Prof. Adam BinSeebergermedia,WhatsAppgroupsandtheHusein and Prof. Young Guk Park.website.Wereachedouttoinnu-merabledentistsacross AsiaandRecent Events Contact Informationbeyond.RecentphysicalmeetingswereICD Section XV Office Educational Update made possible through the effortsNo. 62&64, Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Baruof Dr. How, our advisor Dr. GerhardKuala Lumpur 59100, MalaysiaTheEducationCommitteewasConradSeebergerandthenewTel: +603 9212 0605formed in June 2020 and conduct- ICD Regent of Central Asia, [email protected] Yavru Sakuk. They met inwww.icdxv.comthrough May 2021. From June 2021UzbekistanfromMay6-11,2022,Section XV Facebook THE GLOBE2022No. 2SECTION REPORTS 3 3'