b'SECTION REPORTSingdentalprophylaxis,compositeventive lectures. The visiting den- rently updating our bylaws. Also, we restorations,pulpotomies,crowns,tists also received training on aes- have zoom meetings from the board fluoride applications and some ex- thetic dentistry, integration of CBCTof directives and regents every two tractions were implemented. (ConeBeamComputed Tomogra- months in order to receive informa-OnJan.9,2022,regencyFel- phy) in dental practice, removabletion of the work that is taking place lowsparticipatedinthedonationprosthesis, implantology and man- throughout the country.oftoys,piatas,food,assortedagementofperiodontaltissueinSection III has continued its work pantries and blankets to celebratemultidisciplinarytreatmentbypro- uninterruptedlythroughthispan-our traditional Wise Men Day whenfessorsfromthe AnhuacMayabdemic.Unfortunately,theamount Mexican children receive presentsUniversity. of in-person activities had to be di-and food. This took place at Villa deminished although some have con-Jurez,NuevoLen,where150ICD-TV, website and Facebook tinued with strict sanitary measures. low-incomefamilieswerehelped,Under the coordination of Dr. JoseWearelookingforwardtohaving and100childrenreceivedthreeAngelSifuentes,ourprogramofmore activities now that the vacci-toys each. monthly ICD-TV lectures has con- nation programs have advanced in tinued for the second consecutiveour country. Southeastern Regency year with an average attedance of Our Southeastern Regent Dr. Ro- 450-500 persons. These programs2022 Officerslando Peniche Marcn, who is alsoare open to all ICD Fellows of Sec- President: Roberto A. Wuotto Daz DeanofAnahuac-MayabUniver- tion III or anyone interested in them.CeballossitySchoolofDentistry,reportedYou can find links to all of our lec- Vice President: Jorge Zermeo that they provided health servicestures on the Sections redesignedIbarrato various communities in Yucatan.website, which you are all encour- Past President: Jos ngel Universidad Anahuac Mayab part- aged to visit at www.icdmexico.org Sifuentes Sifuentesnered with the Spanish UniversityPleasealsofindusonFacebookPresident Elect: Jos Martnez of Salamanca to carry out interna- @ICDM17.19,onInstagram@ Martneztionalbrigadesforthetenthcon- icdseccionmexico or on Twitter @ Registrar: Laura Llad Reyessecutiveyear.ThistookplaceonICDMX1. Treasurer: Miguel ngel Snchez-AedoJuly 21-28, 2021.Editor: Federico Prez DezAnother project supported by theSection Activities Executive Council: Carlos Quiroz ICD and Yucatans state health de- TheSectionIIIMexicoExecutiveGutirrezpartmenttookplaceinChicxulubCommitteeandPastPresidentsSpeaker: Alfredo Sakar AllendePuerto,Chelem,ChuburnaPuer- Zoom meetings are being held onHumanitarian Services: Alfonso to, Flamboyanes and San Ignacioa monthly basis, and we are cur- Gonzlez Campdercounties,aswellScientific Events: Nestor Schejtman astheProgresoPlotnik, Luis Pars Fernndezmunicipality.Den- Contact InformationtalserviceswereDr. Federico Prez DezprovidedtooverFrancisco Sarabia 1282336 patients. SuchCol. Prolong. ModernaservicesincludedIrapuato, Gto, Mexico 36690extractions,den- Tel: 52462-6264365 talprophylaxis,
[email protected] Section III websiteration,thirdmolarSection III Facebooksurgery,fluorideWISEMENDAYwascelebratedbyFellowsICD-TVapplications,andthrough a toy and food donation drive at Villa deSection III Instagramhygieneandpre- Jurez on Jan. 9, 2022. Section III TwitterTHE GLOBE2022No. 2SECTION REPORTS 11'