b'SECTION REPORTSSection XIICHINESE TAIPEILast year, Section XII was able to maintain their activities and recognize dentists worthy of ICD Fellowship.Presidents GreetingPast Registrars ReportSectionXIIwasheldonNov.7, James, Ying-Kwei Tseng Chii-Chih Hsu 2021, in Taipei City. There were 14 new Fellows inducted to TICD last year. The induction commenced with 44th Scientific Meeting Fellow Dr. Hsin-Cheng Liu leading On Oct. 31, 2021, Section XII againtheinducteesintotheceremony partneredwiththe Associationforhall.TICDPresidentTseng Dental Science (R.O.C) and invitedaddressed the audience in English two speakers to give a talk duringto welcome Fellows and guests. Due the annual scientific meeting.totheCOVID-19pandemic,ICD Thefirstspeaker,Dr.Jing-UeiInternational President Dr. Richard Lin,talkedaboutthedigitalwork- M. Smith could not travel to Taipei flowforimplantdentistrysurgicaltoattendtheinductionceremony. procedures.Thesecondspeaker, Instead,hesentanonlinevideo Dr. Wei-Cheng Chang, talked aboutgreetingtocongratulateallthe Gtings and best wishesthethree-dimensionaldiscussion2021inductees.ICDSecretary ree oforthodonticteethmovementinGeneralDr.JosephKenneally, toallFellows!ICDaligner orthodontics and how to ap- ImmediatePastInternational Section XII Taiwan (TICD)ply it to a patient. PresidentDr.AkiraSenda,Japan hasbeenmakingprogressSection President Dr. Motoko Suda throughout the past year. Section XIIinvitedtwospeakerstoandKoreaSectionPresidentDr. givealectureduringitsannualMoonsungJangallsentavideo scientificmeetingthatwasheldmessage to congratulate the 2021 on Oct. 30-31, 2021, at the Taipeinew Fellows.InternationalConventionCenter in Taipei City. Audience membersAfter the opening speeches, 2021 gained insight and perspective ofinducteeswerecalledontothe eachguestspeakersparticularstage to be inducted. Dr. Chih-Shin fieldofspecialty.TheSectionChangpledgedsolemnly,onbe-XIIInductionCeremonyfornewI would like to thank TICD Presi- half of all the 2021 inductees, to be Fellows was successfully held ondentDr.Ying-KweiTsengandallcommitted to TICD goals. After the Nov. 7, 2021. theTICDFellowswhosetasidepledge, President Tseng moved the I would like to say thank you totheir busy schedules to be involvedtassels, Dr. Tzee-Hawi Lin awarded all involved in the ongoing efforts ofin the scientific meeting.thecertificates,Dr.Hai-YuanLai the International College of Dentists2021 Convocation wore the Fellowship Keys, Dr. Wan-and Section XII. We look forward toHong Lan wore the lapel pins and seeing you soon in Taiwan! The2021inductionceremonyofDr. Yuh-Yuan Shiau gave the ICD 2 8 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'