b'SECTION REPORTSHYBRID 2021 CEREMONY welcomed Japanese inductees, honored ICD awardees and cultivated collegiality amongst Fellows, in Tokyo.Lastly,SectionVIIRegistrartreatmentstepsfordi-Maejimaexpressedhisgratituderect bonding and basic to all the people involved, and thestudy results as a basis event ended in success. for this treatment. Both lecturesprovidedtheYEAR-END MEETING all attendees Winter Scientific Meeting latest findings on crown restorationand participants of the Year-end The Sections 51st Winter ScientificandwereveryinformativefortheMeeting.Meetingwaslive-streamedonlineparticipants.on Mar. 7, 2021, with the theme of2021 Year-End MeetingAssessingtheCurrentSituation2022 Officersand Exploring the Future DirectionDue to COVID-19, the overall scalePresident: Motoko Sudaof Dentistry. of the 2021 Year-end Meeting wasPresident Elect: Morioki FujitaniIn the first lecture titled Compre- reduced, and it was held on Dec. 18Vice Presidents: Noriaki Kagami,hensiveCollaborativeTreatmentat the Imperial Hotel Tokyo. Junko Inouefor Complex Cases, Fellow MasaoPast President: Takashi MiyazakiYamazakipresentedsomecasesAspeciallecturetitledTreasurer: Hisako Nanasawaof crown restorations, where high- TaoRhythm- ANewMethodforEditor: Yoshinobu ImamuralevelestheticsandfunctionwereImproving Your Destiny was givenRegistrar: Kengo Maejima achievedbycomprehensivelycol- by Ms. Junko Fukuda as an invitedDeputy Registrar: Koichi Kitamura laboratingwithotherapproacheslecturer.ThereceptionpartythatContact Informationsuchasorthodontictherapyandfollowed was held in seated buffetICD Section VII Japanmicroscope-enhancedperiodontalstyle. During the party, the Commit- 2-6-22 Shimoochiai, Shinjuku-ku therapy. teefortheInternationalCommu- Tokyo, 161-8558, JapannicationsintroducedinternationalTel: +81 3-3952-5155In the second lecture titled Basicstudents using Zoom. New FellowsFax: +81 3-5982-7751ResearchonCrownRestorationwerealsointroduced,
[email protected] Feedback for Clinical Practice,clips of the annual meeting and in- www.icd-japan.gr.jpFellow Masashi Miyazaki presentedduction ceremony were shown.Section VII FacebookTHE GLOBE2022No. 2SECTION REPORTS 19'