b'SECTION REPORTSA SECTION X BUSINESS MEETINGwas assembled by leaders and Fellows of Section X Middle East, District 1 at the Lebanese Dental Association Headquarter building on May 31, 2022, in Beirut, Lebanon.Logistics and Future Plans of effort to compensate for this la- 2022 Officerstent period from all aspects. Part ofPresident: Nadim AbouJaoudeThe upgrading of the ICD Sectionthese efforts have included collect- President Elect: Nasir AlHamlanXwebsitehasbeenanongoingingowedduesandmembershipVice President: Philip Souhaidprocess and should be finished thisfees for the previous years and theImm. Past President: Youssef Talicyear. The directory of active mem- Registrar: Anthony Macaribers will be updated, and our mod- planning of a scientific ICD confer- Treasurer: Fadl Khaledern website skeleton will be avail- ence in December 2022, where theEditor: Ramzi Haddadable and easily accessible throughinduction of new Fellows will takeContact Informationtablets and mobile phones. place. ICD Section X Middle EastThroughouttheCOVID-19pan- TheSectionXleadershipcontin- Att: Dr. Nadim AbouJaouddemic,someadministrativetasksues to work on alternative methodsOscar Center, 4th Fl, P.O. Box 179-60 within the Section were put on hold.for fee collection and transfer be- Jal-el-Deeb,
[email protected] in 2022, the ICD Section Xtween the contributing countries ofwww.icdme.com board began investing a great dealthe Section. Section X FacebookTHE GLOBE2022No. 2SECTION REPORTS 2 5'