b'SECTION REPORTSSection IXPHILIPPINESis highly recommended by the CO-VIDInter-AgencyTaskForce.In May 2021, Section IX donated five boxes of VCO to a community isola-tion unit for symptomatic, mild CO-VID-19 cases. Silungang Molave is a center that has room for 80 pa-tients, who are cared for by nurses, doctorsandastaffthatsupports SECTION IX SENT AID in the form of food supplies and hygiene kitsthem towards their wellness.to the community members of the ICD GK Village last year to help theFluoridevarnishdonationswere during COVID-19 crisis. distributedtothePhilippinePe-diatricDentalSocietythrough The opening of the ICD GK Multi- Faculty Development their President, Dr. Teresa Garcia, purpose Hall was highlighted with aAftertwovirtualforumsononlineNoordhoffCraniofacialFoundation ribbon-cutting ceremony, the bless- teaching,ICDteachersandedu- Philippines, Inc., faciliated through ing of the hall, a Christmas gift giv- cators shared their experiences. AFellow Glenda de Villa and the So-ing activity, a spread of Filipino foodtime to laugh, to play and to take acialServicePediatricOPDofSt. and delicacies, and a short programbreak from the usual classroom set- Lukes Medical Center through Dr. to celebrate the happy occasion. Beth Tanco.Currentlybeingcompletedthisting was deeply appreciated by our yearintheGKcommunityistheunsungheroes.Kapihanngmga ICD Centennial Sports Court. ThisGuro ng ICD )A Gathering of ICD will be a full court that can be usedTeachersOveraCupofCoffee)2022 Officersforbasketball,badminton,volley- was held last Nov. 30, 2021, withPresident: Fidel S. Bondocballandotheractivities.ThroughChairperson Fellow Arvin Laguna. President Elect: Maria Sheryl Villareal-this court, we can promote sports,BorjafitnessgoalsandanactiveandSpecial Projects 2021 Vice President: Iluminada L. Viloriahealthy lifestyle. All funds raised forVarious areas in the country wereSecretary: Aimee Y. Cothe ICD centennial celebration wereexperiencingasurgeofCOVIDTreasurer: Gladys Tong-Sodirected to this project, our last trib- Auditor: Ma. Carmen Aurea S. Elepaoute to commemorate the 100th yearcasesinthefirstquarterofthePRO: Walter U. Symilestone of the College. year. This brought about EnhancedEditor: Vivian GabaldonCommunity Quarantine (ECQ) lev- Director: Olegario G. Clemente Jr.Scholarship Program els that did not allow regular work,Director: Apolonia S. Tanbonliongtransport and the economy to func- Past President: Ma. Victoria S. Ms. Patricia Polo and Mr. Paulsontion.Onceagain,SectionIXsentPangilinanGaytano, both from the Universityaid to the community members inContact InformationoftheEast,CollegeofDentistry,ICD GK Village. Sacks of rice, hy- ICD Section IX PhilippinesweregrantedtheSectionIXICDgiene kits and some food suppliesAtt: Dr. Fidel BondocScholarship AwardbyPastPresi- wereimmediatelysenttosupport110-C Young Trade Bldg., Gen.dentPangilinanandChairpersonthem during the crisis. Malvar St., Araneta CenterFellow Evelyn Co. The grants wereQuezon City, Philippines generouslydonatedbytheDonaVirginCoconutOil(VCO)[email protected] oral rinse to prevent theSection IX FacebookPast President Joseph Macasiray. severityofCOVIDsymptomsand THE GLOBE2022No. 2SECTION REPORTS 2 3'