b'SECTION REPORTSthan when they entered. AttendeesMarroquin(UFM)inGuatemalaernments of the United States and werealsoremindedofthereal- City,Guatemala.Theprojectfo- Iran, it is extremely difficult for the ity of oral cancer, which has beencused on dental treatment now forICD College Office to receive pay-identified more readily in residentsacavity-freecommunityinthefu- mentsfromitsFellowsinRegion overthelastsevenyears.Dentalture. Residents and students of the30. The sanctions do not allow us supplies were given out to all par- UFM School of Dentistry performedto receive any direct payments from ticipants,includingelectrictooth- most of the treatments. Participat- anIranianbankaccount.Priorto brushes,environmentallyfriendlying in the mission were ICD Fellowsthe2018sanctions,Iranwasthe bamboo toothbrushes and charcoalGrisolia, Region 21 Vice Regent Es- largest Region in Section XX, with toothpaste. tuardo Mata, Luis Suarez and Es- over 70 Fellows in Good Standing. tuardo Zacrisson, as well as someIfanyofourIranianFellowsare Outreach in Guatemala oftheuniversityspediatricdentalable to read this message, please Region21Central America,Gua- leaders. know that the ICD does not want to temalaRegentDr.LuisFranciscoOn Nov. 11, 2021, seven new Fel- lose you as Fellows, and it is will-Grisolia reported that his region haslows were inducted into the Collegeing to collaborate with you to try to continued to induct new Fellows atduring a Region 21 in-person con- find a solution to this problem. If it annualceremoniesandhascon- vocation breakfast at the UFM. is possible for you to reach out by tinued to safely provide its normalemail, we would love to hear from humanitarian missions through theChallenges in Iran you at [email protected] As the pandemic wanes and vac-ICDFellowshelpedfacilitateacallydoneitsbesttoavoidreal- cinesbecomemorereadilyavail-successfulfive-dayoutreachproj- world politics as it honors deserv- able in all parts of the world, I ex-ect in April 2021 that provided den- ingdentistseverywherefortheirpecttoseethereturnofnormal taltreatment,educationandoraloutstandingservice,real-worldactivities in all Regions of Section hygiene products to 90 school chil- politicssometimesaffecttheICD.XX in 2023.dren at the Universidad FranciscoDue to sanctions between the gov- 2022 OfficersRegistrar: Joseph R. KenneallyRegents:Michael Agbor Ashu, CameroonAhmed AbdelHakim, EgyptHamid Adeli-Nadjafi, IranCoretta Fergus, MontserratLuis Grisolia, GuatemalaMartha Mutis, USAAngel Nadal, Dominican RepublicYusuf Osman, South AfricaPankaj Patel, Kenya(Left photo) Region 32 Regent Coretta FergusContact Informationhands off supplies to a participant of the HighInternational College of Dentists Visibility Walk in Montserrat on Oct. 23, 2021.615 S. Saginaw St., Suite 3008(Top photo) Inductees and guests are seatedFlint, MI 48502USAduring the Region 21 convocation ceremony attheUniversidadFranciscoMarroquininTel: +1(810) 820-3087Guatemala. [email protected] GLOBE2022No. 2SECTION REPORTS 3 5'