b',SECTION REPORTSA VIRTUAL CEREMONY for11 inducteesofcentralandnorth-ernEuropewasheldin2021, conducted by Ukrainian Regent Serhiy Radlinsky.continued to develop outreach in In-dia, the Philippines, Portugal, Cape Vert, St. Tom, Principe and Guin-ea-Bissau.WithinPortugal,there were nine projects under develop-ment ranging from preventative ac-tivities in kindergarten and primary world with poverty, famine, cruelty2021 Regional Ceremonies schools to improving the oral health to people, animals, and nature, andAs with 2020, last year was a chal- ofelderlyresidentsinnursing the absolute horror of all, war. I real- lengingyeargiventheworldwidehomes and day care centers.ize only too well that the ICD can- ongoing pandemic. However, manyTherefore, although 2021 saw ac-not solve these problems either andofthe15districtsoftheSectiontivitiesrestrictedbecauseofthe that everything we do is a drop inwere able to hold their own meet- pandemic,SectionVhasbeen the ocean. What each of us can do,ings regionally in 2021, as well asinnovative in continuing to be ac-however, is be a good human be- carry out induction ceremonies fortive and fully prepared to recover ing. That is what ICD is for. Let thistheir new Fellows. These consistedfrom this.be an inspiration to others! of face-to-face meetings in DistrictFinally, I thanked the Fellows for11 Portugal, District 7 Greece and the confidence placed in me to fulfilCyprus, District 6 Germany, District2022 Officersthe role of President in the coming2theBeneluxcountries,DistrictPresident: Walter J. van Drielyear. With my hand on my heart, I10 Italy, District 9 Israel and Malta,President Elect: S. Dov Sydneypledged to use all my energy, wis- District4England,ScotlandandVice President: Werner Lilldom and influence to do my bestWales, District 12 Spain, District 1Past President: Gil Alves AlcoforadoAustria and District 8 Ireland. A vir- Registrar: Mauro LabancafortheCollege,inkeepingwithtual ceremony took place for DistrictTreasurer: Maren De Witits Core Values. My focus will be15CentralandNorthernEuropeEditor: Michael Thomasstrengtheningrelationshipsintheat which 11 new Fellows from six Sectionacrossthe51countriescountries were inducted. In all, 61Contact Informationin Europe, maintaining high stan- newFellowswereinductedwithinIC D Section V Europedards in educational and humani- Section V during 2021. Dr. Mauro Labancatarian activities, and expanding thePostponed gatherings also deniedCorso Magenta, 32Section by recruiting and retainingthe opportunities to exchange infor- 20123 Milano, ItalytalentedyoungFellows.Theyaremationabouthumanitarianactivi- Tel: +39 335 5207 242the lifeblood to secure the missionties and encourage further develop- [email protected] the ICD. ments. Existing projects, however,www.icd-europe.comTHE GLOBE2022No. 2SECTION REPORTS 15'