b'SECTION REPORTSTHE PHOTO OF THE HISTORIC CLASS OF 2019 FELLOWSin NYC caught the attention of the dental press corps and was widely published. Director of College Communications Dov Sydney arranged for ICDs Centennial media partner Dental Tribune International to publish the photo and story in their publication Today, for distribution on site at the GNYDM, plus to their digital audience. The photo and story also appeared as a major front-page feature in the American Dental Associations ADA News in January 2020, which highlighted the participation of ADA Presi-dent Gehani. The combined potential exposure of this ICD story by these two dental media giants can be estimated between 200,000-300,000 recipients. One of the goals of ICD Centennial events worldwide is to spread awareness of the College. In New York City, it was a case of mission accomplished!Citation award for his ongoing effortsis new for Section XX, and it will beGhana,CapeTown,South Africa, to establish ICD in Africa. Dr. Patelconsidered as an alternative modelNairobi and Mombasa, Kenya, and then began coordinating efforts fortoFellowshipinthefuture,espe- Alexandria, Egypt.a 2020 Initiation Ceremony, to takecially for those developing nations place in March, in Alexandria, Egypt.where there are honorable dentists2020 OfficersDuetounfortunatecircumstanceswho qualify for Fellowship but tooRegistrar: John V. Hintermanworldwideandtheresponsetofew Fellows or resources to hold aRegents:COVID-19,theceremonywasceremony. Luis Grisolia, Guatemalacancelled.However,nearly30ICDhasfouractiveRegionsinYusuf Osman, South Africaqualified and deserving candidatesAfrica:Western,Eastern,South- Ahmed AbdelHakim, Egyptwere approved for Fellowship, andern,andEgyptandSudan.ManyHamid Adeli-Nadjafi, IranseveralhaveacceptedFellowshipnationsintheseRegionsfaceFenton Ferguson, Jamaicain absence of a ceremony. economic, cultural and travel chal- Toks Abiose, NigeriaTheconceptofacceptingFel- lenges. The distances between cit- Pankaj Patel, Kenyalowship in absentia means the ap- ies can be great. These conditionsContact Informationproved Fellow will pay the requiredmake it difficult to organize dentalInternational College of Dentists fees immediately, will receive theirmeetings,especiallyICDFellow- G3535 Beecher Road, Suite G FellowshipKeyandCertificateship events. Therefore, every otherFlint, MI 48532USAthrough mail, and will be required toyear a centralized ICD ceremony isTel: +1(810) 820-3087attend an ICD Initiation Ceremonyconducted at a location accessible in the future. They are then consid- to all. Ceremonies in the past haveFax: +1(810) 265-7047ered ActiveFellows. Thisconceptbeen held in Lagos, Nigeria, Accra,
[email protected] OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 3 9'