b'SECTION REPORTSINDUCTION CEREMONYwelcomed 21 new Fellows into Section III Mexico on Nov. 15, 2019. On this day, a Gen-eral Assembly meeting was held and the Sections Past Presidents Club was inaugurated.150childrenwithcancerandpa- Puebla, Tlaxcala, Veracruz ICD-TV Programtients with growth disorders. OnMarch14,withBenemritaOnJune11,theICD-TVProgram On Aug. 11, medical and dentalUniversidadAutnomaPuebla,was born under Past President Si-check-upsfor250kidswereper- lectureswereheldbyPastPresi- fuentes, providing a platform for Fel-formed in conjunction with Colegiodent Sifuentes. A fee used for orallows lectures. It averages 400 view-de Odontologos Guadalupe and Ur- hygiene products, food and clean- ers per program and is available on ban Bulldogs Against Kids Abuse. ingarticleswasdonatedtoCasaFacebook, I+D page and YouTube. OnSept.22,65patientswereTeresa de Calcuta home for AIDS treated in Montemorelos. patients. Past Presidents ClubOnApr.5-6,ourICDBiannualOn Nov. 15, Dr. Ernesto Acua in-SeminarwascelebratedwithCo- Sonora-Sinaloa Regency stalled the Past Presidents Club of legio de Odontologos Nuevo Len,In March, Fellows and dentists fromSection III, and 12 Past Presidents with more than 1,000 dentists. the College of Dental Surgeons ofwere convocated.Hermosillo,studentsfromSonora Northwestern Regency University and personnel from Sec- 2020 OfficersIn November 2018 at Club de Ni- retaryofHealthprovideddentalPresident: Roberto A. Wuotto Diaz osyNiasdeTijuana,dentalcare to 85 patients. Ceballosstudents,internsandoneteacherVice President: Jorge Zermeno performeddiagnosticcheck-upsSoutheastern Regency Ibarraon 120 pediatric patients, and 414On July 15-16, International dentalPast President: Jose Angel dentaltreatmentswereprovidedbrigade and Fellows held an Inter- Sifuentes SifuentesattheSchoolofDentistryUABC.nationalCourseofImplantology,Registrar: Laura Lladohosted by Anhuac Mayab Univer- Treasurer: Miguel Angel Sanchez-LastApril,theWithaCausesity, IDES and CODY, with 24 par- Aedo Lineroeventraisedfundsfor259dentalticipants. Also, with the Luis SiquerEditor: Federico Perez Dieztreatments for children. FoundationandYucatanCountryContact InformationClubFoundation,dentalbrigadesDr. Federico Perez DiezPacific Regency were held in communities of Xcu- Francisco Sarabia 1282For the tenth consecutive year theny, Komchn and Huotoch Com- Col. Prolong. ModernaAcapulco Golf Tournament was or- munityCenter(Chablekal).MoreIrapuato, Gto, Mexico 36690ganized, and revenues were donat- than 250 people were provided withTel: 52462-6264365 ed for humanitarian purposes. oral health services. [email protected] OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 13'