b'SECTION REPORTSSection IXPHILIPPINESThe Philippines Fellows have given overwhelming support to the ICD Centennial through various activities and community development.Presidents Greetingto engage in acts of humanitarianismLambino II, as the Keynote Speaker Ma. Victoria S. Pangilinan that will commemorate 100 years ofand Inducting Officer. Hon. Lambino the ICD. A Centennial Calendar wascalled on the Fellows to help sup-then created and filled with pledgesport the government to curb vices ofservice,humanitarianprojectsand fund universal healthcare. We and community development activi- also had the pleasure of inducting ties throughout the Centennial year. six new Fellows, bestowed Life Fel-However, 2020 began with chal- lowshiptoPastPresidentNorma lenges. The Taal volcano eruptionTiu, and presented the Meritorious inJanuarywasfollowedbytheAwardstotwodistinguishedPast COVID-19 global pandemic and anPresidents, Ermelinda Galang and enhanced community quarantine inRosita Tan.March. Despite obvious challenges,After receiving the mantle of lead-Section IX continued to seek oppor- ershipfromPastPresidentMaria Iindeedaprivilegetobetunities to serve, fueled by compas- LizaC.Centeno,2019President tission to help healthcare front-liners,Tanagonstartedhermandateby giventheopportunitytoservelaw enforcers, unemployed citizensinspiring all Fellows to be commit-asPresidentofaprestigiousand families affected. Other Fellowstedinservingtheprofessionand organization,theICDPhilippinescreatedonlineplatformsforcon- humanitythroughtheprevailing Section,especiallyduringthetinuing education, safety guidelinesprograms of Section IX. Continuity Centennial year of the College. and research for best practices. of these programs has made Sec-As I start my term with the themetion IX relevant to the community.Awakening Hearts to Serve, I hopeAs it celebrates 100 years, ICD to inspire members to find purposePhilippinesaccepts2020chal- Sin Tax Lawand relevance as part of ICD andlenges with renewed determination, thus, be moved to serve, transformthankfulforagloriouspast,andThe Philippines Section, together with lives and create an impact for a bet- hopeful for a brighter, purpose-driv- medical societies, organizations and ter tomorrow. en future. civil groups, lobbied at the Philippine Senatetoshowsupportforan Inspire, Commit, Dedicate additional excise tax on alcohol and Milestone Celebrations tobacco products. This is to curb the One hundred years is a milestoneOn Jan. 27, 2019, Section IX heldvice and provide funding for the new celebrationthatchallengesustoits52ndAnnualConvocationandUniversalHealthcareLaw.Section pay tribute to our highly esteemedBanquet at the Hilton Manila, withIX Board resolved to support the bill. College.TheCentennialyearwas100 Fellows and guests. OtherFellowssignedthesupport launchedinthePhilippineswithSection IX was honored by Philip- statement.SectionIX,through agolftournamentlastOctober,topines Department of Finance Assis- Past President Tanagon and Fellow raise funds and motivate memberstant Secretary, Antonio Joselito G.VivianGabaldon,spearheaded 2 4 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'