b'SECTION REPORTS2019 NEW FELLOWS AND DENTAL SERVICES FOR SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN (Left) Section VIII new Fellows were inducted in Adelaide, Australia, on May 3, 2019. (Right) In 2019, ICD Australasia supported Healthy Kids Cambodia (HKC) efforts towards services for special needs children. HKC trained school nurses at five special needs schools to conduct dental screenings and place topical flouride. A referral network was also set up for special needs children in outlying areas to access care when needed.has waived fees for Fellows agedFacebookpage,whichreportson 80 or older, who have been Fellowsvarious activities and news.for 25 years or more. The Board isSadly,Iacknowledgethepass-in the process of introducing a per- ing of Section VIII Fellow Dr. Dick petual Legacy Honour Roll as partCook AM in July 2019. Dick was a of the 100th anniversary. It will listlong-serving member of Section VIII all Fellows who, at the time of theirand served as Past President and passing, are Fellows in good stand- Editor. He was a leader within the ICD MLOP TAPANGing of Section VIII. dental profession in Western Aus-The dental clinic suffered waterThe Board reviewed Board struc- tralia and nationally. Dick is missed damage during Sihanoukvilleby all those who had the privilege of flooding, resulting from rapid buildingtureandsuccessionplanninginknowing and working with him.development and no increase in2018. The positions of Vice Presi-infrastructure.dent and Treasurer were combined develop remote webinars to expandinto the position of President Elect.2020 Officersteaching and the dental knowledgeThepositionofRegent-ElectwasPresident: Keith Watkinsbasewithouttravellingoverseas.created to ensure efficient transitionPresident Elect : Rick Sawers AMHealthy Kids Cambodia is catchingof new Board members. Past President: John Owen AMup on reporting, data managementRegistrar: Tom Tsengand instrument maintenance. Planning and Updates Editor: Petrina BowdenSection Reviewing The Section VIII Board meets annu- Contact InformationTheSectionVIIIBoardhascon- ally and holds three teleconferencesICD Section VIII Australasiabetween meetings. The Board fol- Admin. Officer Ron Robinson ductedreviewsinrecentyearsoflows a strategic action plan, which10 Bendtree Waythe Fellowship journey, starting byis agreed at the annual Board meet- Castle Hill, NSW 2154, Australiareviewingthefrontend,nomina- ing framed by the Section VIII 2020Tel: 612 8854 4909tion, new Fellow and induction pro- Strategic Plan developed in 2015. Mobile: 0466 974 848cesses.InMay2019,
[email protected] processes related to theSection VIII continues to interactwww.icdsectionviii.orgfinalyearsofFellowshipandthewith Fellows through our biannualSection VIII Facebookexit process. As a result, the Boardnewsletter,Sectionwebsiteand J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 2 3'