b'SECTION REPORTSCLASS OF 2019Inductees, ICD leaders and guests at the Section XIII Induction and 10th Anniversary Celebration.all the Fellows-elect present at theming, Administrative AssistantsJi- On Aug. 17-18, 2019, Fellows of venue.Then,eachFellow-electang Yan and Hong Xiao to attendSectionXIIIwenttoZunyicityto came to the stage to receive theirtheseevents.RegistrarQianmingdeliver dental services to the local FellowshipCertificate,Fellowshipdelivered a speech Lesions of Oralpeople in need.KeyandPin,whichsignifytheirMucosa: Windows to Systemic Dis- Aug. 19, 2019, was deemed Doc-Fellowship.Asbefore,agroupeases at the Asia-Pacific Speakertors Day, and Fellows nationwide photowastakenforallthenewSummit. activelyparticipatedinactivities Fellows. 2019 Activities which offered free dental consulta-Collaborative Efforts tions and dental check-ups for many OnApr.21,2019,Fellowsfromunderserved communities in China.OnJuly1-2,2019,SectionXVtheDepartmentofConservative held its 6th ICD International Con- Dentistry and Cariology, West China gressandInductionCeremonyinHospitalofStomatology,Sichuan2020 OfficersBangkok,Thailand.Uponinvita- University, actively participated in aPresident: Zhou, Xuedongtion, Section XIII sent a delegationhumanitarian project which offeredPresident Elect: Zhang, Zhiyuanwhich was composed of its SectionfreedentalexaminationfortheRegistrar: Chen, QianmingPresidentZhou,RegistrarQian- children of the community. Treasurer: Ye, LingEditor: Hu, TaoHistorians: Zhang, ZhenkangQiu, WeiliuContact InformationICD Section XIII ChinaDr. Hong, XiaoMgmt. Office of Scientific ResearchWest China School of Stomatology Sichuan University,No. 14 ,3rd Sec. Ren Min South Road Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China Tel: 86-28-85502415DENTAL OUTREACHICD Fellows of Section XIII team together to deliverFax: 86-28-85582167dental services to the people of Zunyi, China. [email protected] OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 3 3'