b'SECTION REPORTS2019 INDUCTEESwith Section XI leadership during the convocation in Seoul on June 1, 2019.ICD and to strengthen friendly rela- golian children with proper brushingAhn announced the economic out-tions. We signed a business agree- skills and oral health knowledge. look for Korea in the global econ-ment with the Chinese Taipei Sec- omy on Jan. 22, 2019, at an Eco-tionandJapanSectiontoserveICD Korea held a golf tournamentnomic Conference for Fellows.Asiancountries.Inaddition,theon Sept. 29, 2019, and all donations threecountriesagreedtoprovidewerecontributedto10MongolianOn Apr. 23, 2019, Professor Kim academicandvolunteerexchang- student scholarships. Heon gave a lecture to Fellows on es, participate in mutual events andthe medical gods Apollon and As-cooperate with each other. FellowServices clepius, who gave birth to the Hip-Community Services The Korea Section hosts meetingspocratic oath, at a Cultural Confer-Since September of 2018, ICD Ko- monthly for Fellows regarding aca- ence.rea has been supporting Mongoliandemics, humanities, leadership and school in Korea. We provide Mon- psychology.ProfessorHyun-ho2020 OfficersPresident: Kyoung-Sun KimPresident Elect: Moonsung JangPast President: Hwanho YeoRegistrar: Kung-Rock KwonTreasurer: Wonhi YooEditor: Euibin ImContact InformationICD Section XI KoreaDr. Kung-Rock KwonKyung Hee University Dental CollegeHoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-guSeoul, Korea, 130-701Tel: 82-2-958-9343GOLF FOR CHILDRENFifty ICD Fellows golfed in a charity [email protected] year to raise scholarship funds for Mongolian children. icdkorea.orgJ OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 2 9'