b'SECTION REPORTSFIRST CLASSof 2020 inductees together with Section XIV Leaders, International President Senda, International Vice President Chang and Section XV President How during the Convocation in Myanmar in January.organizedbyICDMyanmarSec- year. One activity took place in Yan-tion in Mandalay on July 19, 2019.dabo Home on June 25-26, 2019, Dr. James Tseng, President of ICDand another one took place in Ko-Section XII Chinese Taipei, Dr. Mo- tak Village on Nov. 17-18, 2019.staque H. Sattar, Bangladesh Re- Dentaltreatments,including gent of ICD Section XV, and Prof.completedenturesdelivery,were Somchai, Thailand Regent of ICD Section XV, attended and honoredprovided to more than 1,250 adult this event as distinguished speak- patients and 1,500 students. Tooth-ers. More than 300 participants at- pastes and toothbrushes were de-tended. livered free to all patients, and weYANDABO HOMEThis humanitar-Humanitarianactivitieswereor- also provided a half dozen exerciseian project provided dental servic-ganizedbyICDMyanmarincol- booksandonepenperstudent.es, toothbrushes and toothpastes laboration with the Myanmar DentalBreakfast and lunch were also of- to adults and students in June 2019.Association (Mandalay Region) andfered to students who are orphans theMyanmarDentalCouncillastand adopted by Buddhist monks. 2020 OfficersPresident: Myo ThantPresident Elect: Myint HtainVice President: Thein WinRegistrar: Thin Naing OoDeputy Registrar: Soe Min AungTreasurer: Aung Myat KyawEditor: Myat NyanContact InformationPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTSection XIV President Myo Thant pres- ICD Section XIV Registrarents an award to Section XII President James Tseng for participating as aDr. Thin Naing Oospeaker during the professional development program in Mandalay last July. [email protected] OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 3 5'