b'SECTION REPORTSNEW INDUCTEESgather for photos during the 2019 Section XV Convocation in Thailand last June.standing contributions and service:Kong,MacauandAfghanistan,HongKongandMacau.Dr.TC Dr. Ling John Yu Kong, Dr. WilliamandhassignedaMemorandumPhua,RegentofSingapore,gave Cheung, Dr. Pojanart Poomprakob- of Understanding with Section XIVinvaluablepointsfortheprogress sri, Dr. Navy Tep and Dr. Haji MohinMyanmarforfuturecollaboration.oftheSection.Prof. ArshadMalik Haji Momin. Youthmembershipwasinitiateddiscussedhumanitarianwork last year, and the Section receivedpossibilitiesandscopefromhis overwhelming response from all theregion.Thecongressconcluded countries. Indonesia was the bestwith a beautiful gala dinner at the country in terms of participation andRoyal Bangkok sports club.newinducteenumbers.ParallelSectionXVexited2019inhigh sessions of council meetings werespirits and faith and looks forward conductedduringthecongress,to celebrating 100 years of ICD in inwhichpreviousyearprogressJapan. Our next congress is to be in reportsfromeachcountrywereBali, Indonesia, next year.presented by their regents.SPEAKERYi Kwong Yau, of HongBusiness and ActivitiesKong, spoke on invisalign in class2020 OfficersIII treatment. Humanitarian works were carried outPresident: Dato Kim Chuan HowTheconferenceconcludedwithby Section XV in different countries.Vice President: William CheungthetraditionalinductionceremonyAreportwaspresentedbytheRegistrar: John Yu Kong Lingand grand gala dinner. A key high- Chairman of the website and socialHonorary Treasurer: Wai Keung lightfromtheeventsincludedamedia, Dr. Nauman Khan. A journalLeungwelcome note from President How,plan was placed before the councilEditor: Nauman Khanwhose viable energies are the mainfor further action. A financial reportHumanitarian Committee Chair: Chun secretofsuccessofthisorgani- waspresentedbyTreasurerDr.Hung Chu zation.Atotalof28internationalLeung Wai Keung. President HowContact Informationspeakers participated and present- discussedthefuturedirectionsofICD Section XV ed their clinical and research work.the Section, members registration, andoldFellowsrenewalfee64 Jalan Telawi, Bangsar BaruCollaborative Efforts andstructure.VicePresidentDr.Kuala Lumpur 59100, MalaysiaWilliamCheungdiscussedissuesTel: +60 3 22845529SectionXVincludesMalaysia,relatedtotheSectionandgaveFax: +81 3-5982-7751Singapore,Indonesia,Brunei,[email protected],Vietnam,Cambodia,JohnLingdiscussedmatterswww.icdxv.comLaos, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Hongrelatedtocongressregistration,Section XV FacebookJ OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 3 7'