b'SECTION REPORTSCLASS OF 2019 and ICD leaders pictured in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, during the 70th Annual Meeting.well to have the convocation beforethe national and international con- and the Dental Outreach project in the Gala. In this way, the new Fel- tributionsmadebySectionIIandGuatemala.lows received the distinct honour ofitsrepresentatives. Asaresultof beingrecognizedfortheirprofes- the COVID-19 pandemic, Section II sional accomplishments. Section IIhad to cancel its Centennial events, had the opportunity to use the con- Convocation and Gala on Apr. 3-4, vocation sashes. The sashes incor- 2020, in Buhler Hall at the Cana-porate the ICD colours along withdianMuseumforHumanRights the ICD Canadian tartan that wasin Winnipeg, Manitoba. This is the designed by Fellow Carol Martin ofonly museum in the world solely de-Beaverlodge, Alberta, Canada.voted to human rights awareness, Itwasapleasuretomeetwitheducationandtheevolution,cel-ICD Section I USA representativesebration and future of human rights. at their Board of Regents meetingThis museum rises from the prairies inVancouver,BritishColumbia,in Winnipeg at the Forks, where theOUTREACHEFFORTSareongoing on May 7-11, 2019. In attendanceRed and Assiniboine rivers meet oninGuatemalaandincludedental wereCanadianSectionrepresen- Aboriginal Treaty One Land, a his- services,professionaltrainingand tativesPatriciaGrassick,Gordontoricmeetingplaceforthousandseducation, led by Fellow Aaron Kim.Thompson, Garry Lunn, Ed OBrienof years. This would have been a andChuckSchuler.Presidentuniqueopportunityforthemem- 2020 OfficersGrassick and Registrar Thompsonbers of the College, nationally andPresident: Drew Smithpresented ICD USA President Pe- internationally, and members of thePresident Elect: Heinz Scherleter Korch III with an ICD Canadianprofession of dentistry, to celebrateVice President: Ed OBrientartan vest that he wore with greatsuchahistoricaleventinamostRegistrar: Gordon Thompsonpride.FellowEdOBrienassistedhistorical environment. Treasurer: Gordon Thompsonwith the USA Continuing EducationEditor: J. Brian Clarkprogram,whichwasheldontheSection Supported ProjectsbeautifulUniversityofBritishCo- The Canadian Section and WilliamContact Informationlumbia campus. Canadian FellowsJ.SpenceICDMemorialFounda- ICD Section II Canadawere invited to a reception and thetionsupportvarioushumanitarian2318 Rutherford Way SWContinuing Education program. missions and dental education ini- Edmonton, Alberta, T6W 1P4 Canadatiatives annually. Additionally, manyTel: +1 (780) 993-0615Centennial Plans CanadianFellowsareactivelyin- [email protected] in missions worldwide, suchwww.icd-canada.orggoodopportunityforreflectiononas the Speroway mission in Haiti, J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 11'