b'SECTION REPORTSREGENTS MEETINGDuring the weekend of Oct., 26, 2019, the Section V Board of Regents Meeting was held in Milan, Italy, coinciding with the ICD International Council Meeting.Welcome Reception was held in thequestionsormakecomments.InAlves Alcoforado, of Portugal. The MacedonianMuseumofContem- theafternoon,theHumanitarianInductionCeremonywasfollowed poraryArt,where250delegatesForum,chairedbyDr.Waltervanby new Fellows photos being taken of the European Section enjoyed aDriel, introduced to the audience sixwith their Regents and families to cultural event with a guided tour ofhumanitarian projects supported bycommemorate the event. The eve-the Museums collection followed bySection V. Meanwhile, the accom- ningcontinuedwithcocktailsand drinks and hors doeuvres under thepanying persons enjoyed a city tourthe Gala Dinner, followed by danc-sounds of Trinity, a female violin trio. of Thessaloniki and wine tasting fol- ing with fantastic live music - a per-lowed by lunch at two renown win- fect finish for yet another wonderful Scientific Day eries. The same evening a beautifulmeeting of the ICD European Sec-seaside dinner at the Kitchen Bartion.On June 7, the ICD Scientific DayRestaurant gave the delegates an-washeldattheCongressHotelotheropportunitytosocialize,get MakedoniaPalace.Thethemeofacquainted with the new inductees the program was Risk Managementof 2019 and spend quality time with2020 Officersin Dentistry, and the program con- their Fellow friends. President: Gil Alves Alcoforadosistedoftwoparts.ThefirstpartPresident Elect: Walter J. van Drieldealt with Biologic Risks, featuringVice President: S. Dov SydneyfourprominentspeakerscoveringInduction Ceremony & Gala Past President: Argirios Pissiotisthe periodontal risks, the endodon- On June 8, the Induction CeremonyRegistrar: Mauro Labancatic risks, the risks in oral medicine,washeldattheconferenceHotelTreasurer: Maren De Witandrisksinoralradiology.TheMakedonia Palace, where 43 newEditor: Nairn Wilsonsecond part dealt with RestorativeFellows were introduced by the Re-Risks,featuringfourprominentgents and received their ICD Key,Contact Informationspeakerscoveringriskswithre- Certificate and Fellowship Pin. Dr.ICD Section V Europestorative materials, risks in Prosth- Tom Feeney, Past President of Sec- Dr. Mauro Labancaodontics, risks in implant dentistrytion V, was presented with the Mas- Corso Magenta, 32andrisksintemporomandibularter Fellowship Award. The ceremo- 20123 Milano, Italydisorders. Each part was followedny ended when President ArgiriosTel: +39 335 5207 242byamoderateddiscussionallow-
[email protected] a chance for delegates to askover to the President Elect Dr. Gilwww.icd-europe.comJ OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 17'