b'SECTION REPORTSSCIENTIFIC SESSIONThe Lebanese Dental Association-Tripoli Board stands with ICD Fellows during the joint educational session held in Tripoli in 2019. sionoftheCollegeintheMiddlesociation continuing education rec- spoke about Endodontics Consid-East,andtokensofappreciationognizedprovider,specializinginerationsin AestheticTreatments; wereexchanged.FellowsgaveContinuing Medical Education andand Dr. Nadim AbouJaoude spoke scientific presentations on differentContinuingProfessionalDevelop- about Interdisciplinary versus Mul-topics. This event was followed bymentdentaleducationprograms.tidisciplinaryTreatmentofMaxil-a social activity in the city. SectionXparticipatedinthe11thlofacialTraumaintheAesthetic CAPP is a Centre for AdvancedDento Facial Cosmetic ConferenceZone. The meeting was very well ProfessionalPracticesandwaswith the contribution of four speak- attended.foundedin2005inDubai,Uniteders.Dr.JeanMarieMegarbane ArabEmirates,withthesolepur- spokeaboutOralRehabilitation poseofdeliveringexcellenceinInfluencingSmileDesignandFa-Dental Continuing Medical Educa- cial Aesthetics;Dr.NabilBarakat2020 Officerstion in the Middle East and beyond.spokeaboutIsSinusLiftan Ab- President: Nadim AbouJaoudeCAPPisan AmericanDental As- soluteNecessity;Dr.HaniOunsiPresident Elect: Nassir AlHamlanVice President: Philippe SouhaidImm. Past President: Youssuf TalicPresident Emeritus: Joseph W. TamariRegistrar: Joseph SabbaghTreasurer: Fadl KhaledEditor: Ramzi HaddadContact InformationICD Section X Middle EastAtt: Dr. Joseph SabbaghOscar Center, 4th Floor P.O. Box 257, 1253-2020Mansourieh el Metn, Lebanon 257MERIT AWARDRecipients of the Gerard Tabourian Postgraduate
[email protected] with the deans of dental schools, Section X officers and Past Presi- www.icdme.comdent Gerard Tabourian. Section X FacebookJ OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 2 7'