b'SECTION REPORTSSection IXPHILIPPINES Past Presidents Reportheeded our invitations for quarterly Preciosa L. Tanagon meetingsandotherpertinentac-tivities. My gratitude to all the 2019 thecampaignforsignaturesofI feel so honoredSectionIXOfficersandCommit-andblessedtotee Chairs, and to all sponsors and otherFilipinoDentistsduringthehaveservedthebenefactors. Thank you all for your 110thPDAAnnualConvention. ICDPhilippinessupport. Finally,onJune4,theincreaseSectionin2019.Finally, I would like to congratu-wasunanimouslyapprovedbytheIamoverflowinglate our new Section IX President Senators. withgratitudeforFellow Maria Victoria S. Pangilinan Business Meetings accomplished. allthatwehaveandherteam.Cheerstoafruit-ful term as we join the rest of the ThequarterlyBusinessMeetingsLetmetakethisopportunitytoworlds leading dentists in serving andseminarsaimtoenrichFel- thankSectionIXFellowsforthetheprofessionandthecommuni-lowsprofessionally,spirituallyandinspiration,commitmentanddedi- ty, as we celebrate ICDs first 100 emotionally. The first quarter semi- cation they have shown when theyyears!nar was held last April with speaker Mr. JC Libiran, who spoke on Go for that Extra Smile. He touched on the dentists role in paying it forward and inspiring others.The second quarter meeting and the Bienvenido B. Erana Memorial Lecture were held last July. Invited Speaker Mr. Michael Angelo Lobrin isa TVpersonality,brandendors- STUDENT SEMINAR held in June 2019 featured resource speaker erandanoutstandinghumorousDr. Charleston Uy.speaker.HistopicwasLaughter, the Best Medicine. He intelligentlytal students. In 2019, three Fellows2020 Officersdelivered his message.donated scholarship grants to threePresident: Ma. Victoria S. PangilinanThethirdquartermeetingandstudents.ThedonorswerePastPresident Elect: Fidel S. BondocseminarheldlastOctoberhadDr.PresidentJosephMacasiray,Fel- Vice President: Maria Sheryl Villareal-Alonzo A. Gabriel, a noted food sci- low James Huang and the Hermo- BorjaentistandUniversityofthePhilip- genesVillarealfoundationthroughSecretary: Mercedes Glendora De Villapines Professor in Home Econom- its President Maria Sheryl VillarealTreasurer: Gladys Tong-Soics, talk about Food Safety. Borja and Chair Master Fellow Her- Editor: Vivian Gabaldonmogenes P. Villareal. Past President: Preciosa L. TanagonStudents and Scholarships Faculty Development Auditor: Ma. Carmen Aurea S. ElepanoOn June 12, 2019, resource speak- The recommended style of instruc- Directors: Iluminada I. Viloriaer Dr. Charleston Uy talked on ThetiongivenbytheCommissiononApolonia S. TanbonliongMakingofaLeader,SometimesHigher Education (CHEd) for Den- PRO: Walter U. Syyou Win, Sometimes You Learn attistryisoutcome-basededucation.Contact Informationa Student Seminar. He shared theThis training would entail additionalICD Section IX Philippinesstoryofhislife,hisfamily,studiestime and resources. Thus, the Sec- Unit 407 Wedgewood Estatesand early years of dental practice totionIXspearheadedtheseminar9 Eymard Drive, Barangay Kristong Haristudents from nine universities andand workshop and tasked a formerQuezon City, Philippines 1102colleges. dean, Fellow Arvin B. Laguna, to beTel: -5169052 the resource speaker and [email protected],SectionIXawardsSixtyfacultymembersandpartici- Section IX Facebookscholarship grants to qualified den- pants benefitted from this seminar.J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 2 5'