b'SECTION REPORTS CLASS OF 2019inductees join leadership from Sections XII, XI, VII and XIV on June 2, 2019.Seven new Fellows were induct- certificates, Dr. Lee wore the Key, ed into TICD last year. These Fel- Dr. Lan wore the lapel pin and Dr. lowsareDr.Chin-YuhYang,Dr.Shiau gave the ICD cap to each of Ching-HuiChen,Dr.Chun-Chengthe2019inductees.TICDbylaws Chen, Dr. Jen-Tien Chao, Dr. Shun- strictlyrequirethatinducteesbe Hua Lin and Dr. Yi-Cheng Lin. Thepresent in the induction ceremony ceremonycommencedwiththeto be conferred the certificate and new Fellows, led by Fellow Dr. Ma,Fellowship. BIRTHDAYTICD celebrates proceeding into the ceremony hallFollowingtheceremony,ICDIn- Dr. Sendas birthday during their andsalutingtotheoldFellows.ternationalPresidentElectSenda2019 convocation .TICDPresidentTsengaddressedgave the Fellowship Orientation Pro-and welcomed the new Fellows andgram. guests in English. Dr. Akira Senda,2020 OfficersICDInternationalPresidentElect,TheGalaDinnerstartedat7:00President: Ying-Kwei TsengalsoaddressedandcongratulatedPMaftertheInductionCeremony.Past President: Wan-Hong LanthenewFellowsduringaspeechWith gourmet food, fine wine and aRegistrar: Hsin-Cheng Liuthat highlighted the importance andlive band, guests and Fellows all had honor of being an ICD Fellow. a great time. Treasurer: Chin Kuang WenEach new Fellow was given by theCoincidently,ithappenedthattheEditor: Hsin-Cheng LiuTICD Officers and the InternationalInduction Ceremony date was alsoContact InformationPresident Elect the certificates, pinsthebirthdayofDr.Senda.TICDICD Section XII Chinese Taipeiand sport caps, and their Collegeprepared a big birthday cake for him,Dr. Hsin-Cheng Liucap-tassels were turned to the right. and all Fellows and guests danced13 F, No. 251, Sec. 1After the opening speeches, theand sang to celebrate his birthday. Dunhua S. Road, Daan Dist.inductees were called to the stage.AstheGalaDinnerdrewclosetoTaipei City 106, TaiwanDr.Chin-YuhYangpledgedsol- itsend,Dr. TsengagainremindedTel: 886-2-2703-8323emnlyonbehalfofalltheinduct- everyTICDFellowoftheirFax: 886-2-2704-9144ees to be committed to TICD goals.commitment to ICD through the ICDMobile: 886-905-729-321After the pledge, Dr. Tseng
[email protected] tassel, Dr. Senda awarded theOpportunity to Serve. Section XII FacebookJ OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 31'