b'SECTION REPORTSIn February, we started treatments atCentroComunitarioAmexhe, Apaseo el Alto, GTO. This project started 30 years ago but the den-tal office didnt have a permanent dentist and Amexhe has a popula-tion of over 3,000 people. Thanks to the ICD, we have been able to as-sign two graduate dental residents from Universidad Latina de Mexico,A DONATION TO A CLEFT PALATE PROGRAM at Universidad Autnoma Celaya,to work dailyon patients.de Quertaro is presented by Section III President Jos Martnez.When they finish their year, they will be replaced by two other residents.also supported by Colegio de Den- Inteligencia Dental and open to all Wealsoreceiveddonationsandtistas de Hermosillo, alongside theFellowsfromNorth,Central,and funds to buy the equipment, dentalImaginaFoundationandstudentsSouth American countries and parts materials and instruments. fromUniversidadAutnomaSo- of Europe. We have run 60 lectures South-East Regency nora. We treated 112 children andover the five years that the program adults. has been operating and attract an On Apr. 20, we supported the Foun- averageof400-500visitorsper dationComprometidosSoloPorMexico City - State of Mexicolecture. We are deeply grateful to Una Sonrisa at San Lorenzo, in theRegency Fellows who are contributing to this Mayan community. A few weeks lat- forum. er, presents and food were donatedOn Jul. 24, at a dental event for the for Mothers Day (May 10) for all theUnnido Foundation, we gave a pre-families of the Mayan community ofventive dentistry lecture and tooth- 2024 OfficersSan Lorenzo, Q.R. brushinginstructionstochildrenPresident: Jos Martnez Martnezandcaretakers.TwentychildrenVice President: Jorge Humberto North Pacific Zone Regency were examined and follow-up careVillarreal RodrguezThefirstdentalhealtheventwaswas provided. Every six months wePast President: Roberto A. Wuotto held on Jan. 8 with help from thevisit the community for check-ups, Colegio de Dentistas de Hermosillopreventive treatments and fluorideDaz CeballosatTomsMartnezSchool.Chil- applications. Registrar: Luz Mara Liliana Acua drenfromtwoinstitutionswereAt a Kalimory Community eventCepedatreated:InstitutoKino-ashelteron May 9, we used our new dentalTreasurer: Miguel ngel Snchez fordisadvantagedchildrenfromchair for the first time. We providedAedo Lieroabusive environments or with par- dental prophylaxis, diagnostics andEditor: Federico Prez Dezents suffering from addicition - andhygiene instructions for local fami-Instituto Cruz Galvez, which sup- lies.Contact Informationports low income families. We holdDr. Federico Prez Dezdentaleventsfourtimesayear,ICD TV Educational Program Francisco Sarabia 1282providingdentalhygienelecturesICD TV is an online educational pro- Col. Prolong. Modernaand instruction for all. This time wegramestablishedbyourSection.Irapuato, Gto, Mexico 36690treated 360 children, with 41 need- The mission is to freely spread den- Tel: 52462-6264365 ing full dental treatment. [email protected] second event on May 3 wasonlinelectures.ItisrunthroughSection III websiteTHE GLOBE2024No. 2SECTION REPORTS 9'