b'SECTION REPORTSSection XVSection XV has poured energy and innovation into their extensive membership, educational and community activites.Presidents Greetinging excellence in the field of dentist- spectrumofleadershipwithinthe Kim Chuan How ry through education, humanitariandentalcommunity.OurFellows service and professional collabora- representanarrayofleadership tion.roles across the dental profession, including:2025 Annual Conferences- Academy leaders (30%): Repre-Ourupcoming10thICDSectionsenting key thought leaders in den-XVInternationalConferenceandtal education and academia, these InductionCeremony,whichwillFellows are instrumental in shap-take place from Apr. 18-20, 2025,ing the future of dental education promises to be a milestone event.and research in our region.G reetingstoallFellows,We are thrilled to welcome Fellows,- Civil service leaders (15%): Fel-Section leaders, and dental profes- lowsfrompublichealthservices colleaguesandpartners.sionals from all corners of the globewho contribute to shaping national AsPresidentofSectionto the beautiful resort island of Pen- dentalpoliciesanddeliveringes-XV, it is my great honor to presentang, Malaysia. With a rich culturalsential care to underserved popu-ourreportontheprogressandheritageandscenicbeauty,Pen- lations.growthofoursection,whichhasang provides a fitting backdrop for evolved in leaps and bounds sincea celebration of dental excellence- Association leaders (20%): Lead-its establishment. andinternationalcollaboration.ersofnationalandinternational The 2025 conference will include adentalassociationswhoplayan Young but Dynamic Section range of activities, such as keynoteactiveroleinadvocatingforthe speeches by leading figures in theprofession.Section XV is the youngest autono- global dental community, hands-on mous section of ICD, having official- workshops, and thought-provoking- Private practitioner leaders (20%): ly evolved from Section XX Asia onpanel discussions. Fellows will alsoRespectedleadersfromprivate Oct. 7, 2017. Despite our relativelyhave the opportunity to participatepracticewhorepresentthefront-short history as a standalone Sec- invarioushumanitarianprojects,lines of dental care, bringing inno-tion, our origins date back further,which are integral to our Sectionsvation and entrepreneurial spirit to with our strong ties to Section XX.mission of giving back to the com- the field.Wehavebuiltonthisfoundation,munity. -Youngdentistleaders(15%): continuallygrowinginsize,influ- Diverse Leadership andEmergingleadersundertheage ence, and activity since our incep- Representation of 40, passionate about the future tion. Today, Section XV comprisesof the profession and playing a key an energetic and dynamic commu- OneofSectionXVsuniquerole in our Sections focus on men-nity of dental leaders committed tostrengths lies in the diversity of itstoring and leadership development promoting ICDs mission of advanc- Fellows,whichreflectsthebroadfor young dentists.3 0 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'