b',SECTION REPORTSSection VEUROPEThe Section held its 2024 annual meeting in Cyprus to welcome 51 new Fellows and share inspiring stories from outreach work across the continent. Presidents Greetingtackle the challenges and opportu- dedication to improving public health.Werner Lill nities that lie ahead. Special thanks3.EnhanceConnections Across gotomymentor,GilAlcoforado,Districts: One of my main goals is whosewisdomandsupporthavetostrengthenthebondsbetween been invaluablein my journeyto- the various Districts within the Eu-ward this role. ropeanSection.Iplantovisitas A Vision for the Year manyDistrictsaspossibleduring mypresidency,encouragingcol-As President, I am committed to ad- laboration that will further unify and vancing the ICDs worldwide motto,strengthen our Section.Recognizing Service and the Op- An Invitation to Salzburg 2025portunitytoServe.Thismottois brought to life through the humani-A Ipreparetobeginmytarian,educational,publichealth,As we look forward to 2025, I am asPresidentoftheand leadership projects carried outdelighted to invite you all to the 68th s termby ICD Sections, Districts, RegentsAnnual Meeting of the ICD Europe-EuropeanSectionoftheandFellowsacrosstheglobe.Itan Section in Salzburg. This beauti-International College of Dentists inserves as both our guiding principleful and historic city, nestled near the 2024-2025, I am filled with immenseand our shared mission. German border, has been a cultural gratitudeandexcitement.Ithasand spiritual center for centuries.been a privilege to work alongsideTofurtherstrengthenthiscom- The 2025 meeting promises to be such extraordinary colleagues, and Imitment, I have established severalan enriching blend of professional am honored to follow in the footstepskey objectives for the year ahead: development and personal connec-of those who have led before me.1. Expand Access to Oral Healthtion, all set against the backdrop of In particular, I would like to expressCare: We will intensify our efforts toSalzburgs rich traditions and stun-my heartfelt thanks to our Immediateprovide oral health care to under- ning history.Past President, Dov Sydney, for hisserved and vulnerable populations,Asweembarkonthisexciting outstandingleadershipthroughoututilizing our collective expertise andyear,Iamcommittedtoworking 2023/24.Hisdedicationandguid- compassiontomakealastingim- diligentlyandcollaborativelywith ancehavegreatlystrengthenedpact on those in need. all of you to elevate the Colleges our Section. I also want to extend2. Strengthen Humanitarian Initia- esteemed reputation and further its my deep appreciation to Mauro La- tives:OurSectionwillcontinuetonoble mission. Together, guided by banca, our Registrar, who has made tremendousstridesoverthelastplay a vital role in supporting human- our shared values and inspired by decade in collaboration with formeritarian activities, not only by partici- our motto, we will continue to serve presidents. His tireless efforts havepating in global projects, but also byand uplift those who are privileged positioned the European Section toinitiating local efforts that reflect ourto be part of the ICD.12 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'