b'SECTION REPORTSUSA SECTION FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES met in Nashville, Tennessee, in September 2024.(Standing L/R) James Emmanuel Lee, Bradley Greenway, Mary Starsiak, Arnold Jacobson, Gerald Karr, Curtis Johnson, Cynthia Jetter and Daniel Fridh. (Seated L/R) Imm. Past President Michael Bydalek, Treasurer Margot Culotta-Norton, President Christine Benoit, President Elect Niki Carter and Secretary Thomas Howley Jr.2024 OfficersPresident: Ira R. TitunikPresident-Elect: Eliot L. PaisnerVice President: Timothy R. LangguthPast President:Daniel W. FridhTreasurer: Ronald P. LemmoEditor: Richard F. RoadcapExec. Director: Elaine C. WagnerRegistrar: Keith W. SuchyContact InformationUSA SectionInternational College of Dentists610 Professional Drive, Suite 201Gaithersburg, MD, 20879USA2024USAANNUALMEETING(Topphoto)USAPresidentTitunikTel: +1 (301) 251-8861presentsthePresidentialCitationtoFellowStephenMacklerforFax: +1 (240) 224-7359 years of service. (Bottom photo L/R) Dr. Titunik, Global ICD
[email protected] Pissiotis and Fellow Speaker Pilseong Kim, who was one ofwww.usa-icd.orgthe lecturers of the Nashville Educational Program.THE GLOBE2023No. 2SECTION REPORTS 5'