b'SECTION REPORTSSection XIKOREAIn partnership with Japan and Taiwan, Section XI held a joint induction ceremony promoting shared goals and Fellowship.Presidents Greetingprocess of registering as a nonprofitdredsofhousesweredestroyed. Jae Cheon (Justin) Lee organization. Once we achieve thisDr. Woong Rae Byun, the chair of status, we believe we will be ablethe Gangwondo Dental Association to operate more systematically andalong with several ICD Fellows, vol-expand our volunteer efforts. unteered to provide dental services in a mobile dental bus at the tempo-2023 Joint Induction Ceremony rary shelter for victims.The 2023 ceremony involving Sec- Metaphab Hospital, LaostionsXI,VIIandXIIwasheldat Coex International Hotel, Seoul, onIn May, 2024, Fellow Jungwoo Lee Nov.4,2023.Itwasanexcellentled a team of dentists to Vientiane, event for building fellowship and ourLaos, to provided implant treatment three Sections have agreed to holdat the Metaphab Hospital. more joint meetings in the future. Iin Seoul,2023,wehostedThe 2023 ICD International Coun- Our Section also provides implant nNovembercil Meeting was also held at Coexseminars to local Laos dentists to theInternationalCouncilMeet- InternationalHotel.Councilmem- enrichtheirscientificknowledge. ingand we also con- bers from all over the world partici- Wealsodonatedimplantmotors, ducted a joint induction ceremonypated in the meeting and discussedoralmaxillofacialsurgicalinstru-fornewFellowsfromJapanandthe growth and spread of influencements, and other medical supplies Taiwan. It was a great opportunityof ICD world-wide and how we canto the hospital with the support of a to promote one of the core missionssupport and encourage this. dental implant company from Korea.of ICD, fostering inter-national ex-change.2024 Assembly and Induction Dentistry for Those WithoutThe ICD Korean Section contin- The 2024General Assembly Meet- Fellow Ihn-Seok Eom and his team ues to hold regular monthly meet- ingandInductionCeremonywasprovide regular free dental care to ings, and in addition, we have beenheldat Lotte Hotel, Seoul, on Maypeople with disabilities and foreign visiting our members dental clinics26, 2024. ICD Fellows from JapanworkersinInchoen,Korea.They tosharevaluableexperienceandand Taiwan also participated in thehave provided this service for many knowledgegainedfromrunningmeeting. Two new Korean dentistsyears in the spirit of our ICD motto, dental practices. We intend to con-tinue this for the foreseeable future. werecertifiedandwelcomedasRecognizing Service and Opportu-Weareactivelyparticipatinginnew ICD members. nity to Serve.volunteerwork,includingscholar- Community Health Care Service From Mar. 3-8, 2023, the team went shipprogramsfortheMongolianabroad to provide dental care ser-SchoolinKoreaandvariousdo- InApril2023,theGangrungfor- vices to communities in south-east mestic and international service ac- est fire burned an area 530 timesAsiawhodonothaveaccessto tivities. Furthermore, we are in thethe size of a soccer field and hun- treatment.2 4 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'