b'SECTION REPORTSSection I VSOUTH AMERICASouth America is providing oral care for children with learning challenges in Salto, Uruguay, and for under-served families in Asuncion, Paraguay.Presidents GreetingUruguay Report children, with high involvement and Elena Kavaliauskis OnNov.24,2023,wecelebratedcommitment from the parents. Clini-the2023InductionCeremonyforcaldiagnosticexaminationswere Section IV in Montevideo, Uruguay.not easy to perform, since for many In an emotional gathering, we bidof them it was their first dental ex-perience. farewell to the year and welcomedExtra time and care was taken to thenew,inductingmemberswithensurethatthechildrenfeltcom-joy as the attendees pledged theirfortable with the volunteers and to oathandreceivedtheirKeyandachieve a good rapport. A lot of work Pin. Following dinner, they sealedwas done to engage with the fam-theircommitmenttoupholdandily because the long-term success honor the ICD with a toast. C ongratulationsandthankDental Research Award of the project relies on motivation, awarenessandprevention,which you to our Fellows for suc- must be supported and encouraged cessfullycompletingtheThe ICD promotes odontological re- by parents and guardians.consolidationofSectionIV.Itssearch in Uruguay and this year the wonderful to hear about the prog- MaraInesNavarra Awardwillbe ressmadeacrosstheregion.Wegranted to the best work presented are truly proud of the work done inby young researchers. The winner South America and very thankful forwill receive $1,000 USD to further the support received from the widerpromote their work. ICD.FriendshipandcooperationareInclusive Oral Health ProjectessentialfortheadvancementofTheprojectisimplementedina dentalsciencearoundtheworld.school in Salto attended by children Lets work together to share knowl- withdifferentabilitiesandwitha edge,promoteresearchandpro- diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder vide exceptional oral care. United,(ASD). The target population is 100CHILDREN RECEIVE TREATMENT we can contribute to the progressper cent of the children attending theat a school in Salto, Uruguay.ofodontologyandenhanceoralschool, which equates to 53 learners. health for everyone. Lets collabo- A Tribute to a Great Teacherrate to pursue common goals, fos- In the first stage, educational activi-terunderstanding,andstrengthenties were carried out: motivating andWe would like to honor and pay trib-the bonds that connect us. involving the family and educating theute to a great teacher. Professor Ma-1 0 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'