b'SECTION REPORTSSection VIINDIA, SRI LANKA, NEPALSection VI champions continued professional learning for Fellows alongside a broad program of charitable work in communities of need.Presidents GreetingDiversity and Inclusivity 24,2024.Dr.ApurvaChandra, Meera Verma Another special element of the ICDSecretary,DepartmentofHealth is its diversity and inclusivity, bring- andFamilyWelfare,Govt.ofIn-ingtogetherdentalprofessionalsdia, presided asChief Guest and fromdifferentbackgroundsandDr.MaheshVerma,PadmaShri culturesfromacrosstheglobe.Awardee,ViceChancellor,GG-ItisthroughourdiversitythatweSIPU, as Guest of Honour. Twenty-gain strength and learn from eachseven new Fellows were inducted, other. We are here to foster hopeandsixCommunityAwardsand for a better tomorrow. We need tonineAppreciationAwardswere think about local, national as well aspresented.TwoEssayCompeti-global challenges and find innova- tion Awards and 36 Student Merit tions that provide suitable solutionsAwardsweregiventoemerging talent, and five Fellow Board Mem-A t the outset, let me expressto basic dental issues.bers were recognized for their ex-my deepest appreciation totraordinary contributions. The con-all my predecessors for theirCommitted to Dental Excellence vocation ended with a new Section commitment, zeal, passion and ef- We are committed to ensuring thatPresidentasRajeevLalhanded forts in advancing the field of dentalthe ICD remains at the forefront ofover to Meera Verma.medicine and improving the lives ofdentalexcellenceanditsrecogni-communitiesthroughoptimaloraltion. We strive to provide our Fel- Humanitarian Serviceshealth.lows with opportunities for profes- SectionVIhasrunvariouscom-sionalgrowthandpassionatelymunityandcharitableactivitiesin Our Guiding Lights promoteanethicalandevidence- recent months, such as the distri-The core values of ICD are Integ- based profession. rity, Leadership and Service. TheseLetusallworktogethertocre-arethebeaconguidinglightstoate sustainability for our profession. navigatetheevolvinglandscapeLetusallembarkonthisjourney of dentistry. As its representativestogetherwithcourage,compas-and part of the leadership, it is oursion and unwavering commitment. imminent duty and responsibility toMay we leave the world better and promoteprofessionalism,ethics,healthier than we inherited it. Our human values, and social and char- time starts now!itywork.Besidespromotingoral health, promoting awareness of its2024 Convocationhuge impact among individuals andFOOD DONATIONS were distrib-communities worldwide also has toICD Section VI India, Sri Lanka anduted in Ranchi and South Zone to be the focus of all our endeavours.Nepal held its convocation on Feb.help the homeless.14 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'