b'SECTION REPORTSSection I ICANADAFollowing the success of key projects around the world, the Canadian Section is striving to expand its humanitarian efforts and support. Presidents GreetingWewerepleasedtohaveICDAlberta, Canada.The sashes pro-Maureen Lefebvre Ripplinger International President Argirios Pis- vided the integrating framework for siotispresenttowelcomethein- thenewFellowsandsignifythe coming Fellows and outline the in- importanceofthiseventintheir ternational programs and structure.professional lives, as well as serv-ICD Canada Past President Heinzing as a beautiful accessory for the Scherleprovidedanoverviewofevening wear. The Convocation had theCanadianSectionprogramsa total of 40 Fellows who were the and the contributions that some offeatured parties of the Convocation theCanadianFellowshavemadeProcessional and Recessional lead to the College in Canada and inter- byScottishpiperJoeMcDonald. nationally. Drew Smith, Treasurer ofICD International President Argirios the William J. Spence ICD Memori- Pissiotis provided the Convocation al Foundation, outlined the humani- AddressonICDFellowshipand programs.FellowCliffSwanlund, T hisisasignificantyearfortarian programs that are funded ina renowned artist and ICD Canada Canada and internationally.PastPresident,receivedanICD ICDCanada.InNovember,A reception followed where newPresidential Citation. at the ICD Global Meeting inandcurrentFellowsgatheredto New York City, our own Ian Doyleshareideas,memoriesandfel-will become ICD Global President.lowship.TheICDCanadaTartanTransitions and New RolesHe will chair the 2025 ICD GlobalandLogoCommitteemembersIamhonoredtoserveasPresi-Meeting in Milan, Italy. soldourICDofficialtartanitems,dent of ICD Canada. Lisa Bentley New Fellow Orientation,which serves two purposesrais- is President Elect and Terrie Logue Convocation and Galaing money for ICD Canada to sup- is Vice President. Ed OBrien com-port our charitable foundation, andpletedhistermasPresidentand On Mar. 7-9, 2024, the ICD Canadato promote collegiality amongst ourwill be continuing in his role as Past Meetings,ConvocationandGalaFellows.ItisalwaysremarkablePresident.AtlanticCanadahasa were held in Vancouver, British Co- to witness Fellows of all ages andnew Regent - Kelly Manning.lumbia, in conjunction with the Ca- stages of their dental careers mak- I look forward to working with our nadian Dental Association and Brit- ingorrenewingfriendshipswithinmanycolleaguesinICDCanada ish Columbia Dental Association, atthe framework provided by the In- and to the next Meeting, Convoca-the Pacific Dental Conference. Theternational College of Dentists. tion and Gala, being held on Aug. meetingsincludedaNewFellowsAt the Convocation, our new Fel- 29-30,2025,inSt.Johns,New-Orientation that explained the val- lows wore the green and gold ICDfoundland, in conjunction with the ue of Fellowship and reviewed oursilkgraduationsashes,adornedNewfoundland and Labrador Den-supportiveandintegratedhistorywith the ICD Key Logo and the ICDtal AssociationandtheCanadian worldwide with particular emphasisTartan, which was designed by ICDDental Association.The following on the Canadian Section.Fellow Carol Martin of Beaverlodge,year we will be joining the Manitoba 6 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'