b'SECTION REPORTSSection VI IIAUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, S. PACIFICAn expansion for Section VIII welcomes the South Pacific Islands and three new Fellows from Vanuatu and the Cook Islands.Presidents Greetinglaration 2023 to enhance oral healthVIII Fellows, the Board has been Tom Tseng across Pacific Island communities. able to provide support for numer-ousvolunteerprogramsledby A Record Number of Inductees Section VIII Fellows over the past Aninductionceremonyandlun- 12 months.cheonwasheldinChristchurch,Since August 2023, the Board NewZealand,onAug.23,2024.has approved financial support for Twenty-fournewFellowswerein- the following volunteer programs: ducted at this ceremony - the mostthe Community Dental Outreach Fellows to be inducted in New Zea- Program,Adelaide;Kimberley landatoneceremony.WewereDental Team,Western Australia; honoured to have the InternationalHealthyKidsCambodia;MLop PresidentArgiriosPissiotisattendTapang,Cambodia;Smilesfor the ceremony and luncheon.the Pacific conference in Western MofTheGlobe.OverAttheinductionceremony,ourSamoa; Project Yeti, Nepal; Nepal uch has happened in Sec- Village Health Improvement Pro-tion VIII since the last edi- Section was particularly pleased togram; PNG Dental School; Maluk tioninduct three new Fellows from theTimor CPD in Timor Leste; mobile thepastfewyears,theBoardofSouthPacificIslandsofVanuatudental van for Tonga; Gudfala Tut Section VIII has been developing a(Dr. Nelson Tangwha and Dr. JennySkulProgram(schoolprogram), South Pacific Strategy to extend theTangis) and the Cook Islands (Dr.Vanuatu; and the Long Tan Dental reach of our Section into the SouthKirianu Nio). Pacific Islands.Program, Vietnam. Section VIII is now known as Sec- Getting Together TheSectionhasalsogiven tion VIII Australia, New Zealand andA social function, organized by thefinancialsupporttotheAustra-the South Pacific to reflect this in- SouthAustralianCommittee,waslianDentalResearchFounda-creasedinvolvement.SectionVIIItion and the New Zealand Dental nowincludes Australia,NewZea- held in Adelaide in April 2024. TheResearchFoundation.Wealso land,PapuaNewGuinea,Timornext Section VIII Induction willbesponsored the Young Dentists Ac-Leste and the South Pacific islandsheldinPerth,Australia,inMaytion Group Speaker Development of Fiji, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Nau- 2025duringthe AustralianDentalDay in New Zealand.ru,Niue,SolomonIslands,Toke- Congress.lau,Tonga,Tuvalu,VanuatuandThelatestreportsonSection WesternSamoa.SectionVIIIhasSupport for Volunteer Programs VIII projects can be found in the endorsedtheOPIA(OralHealthMay 2024 edition of the Section Pacific Islands Alliance) Suva Dec- Thanks to the generosity of SectionVIII newsletter.18 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'