b'SECTION REPORTSSection XIICHINESE TAIPEIThrough international collaboration, Section XII supported the advancement of global fellowship and shared goals for a greater good.Past Presidents 2023 Induction & Convocation worethekey,FellowWan-Hong Greeting The 2023 Induction Ceremony wasLanworethelapelpin,andFel-Ying-Kwei (James) Tseng a joint event with Section XI Korealow Yuh-Yuan Shiau gave the ICD and Section VII Japan. On Nov. 15,cap to each of the inductees. Our 2023, more than 90 members of thebylaws require that the inductee is ICD came together to welcome newpresented with a certificate and ar-Fellows. Six new inductees were in- tefacts of Fellowship.ducted from Section XII. Theceremonycommencedat CoexInternationalHotel,Seoul, with Fellow Long-Shiang Ma lead-ing the inductees into the ceremony Gandbestwisheshall.SectionXIIPresidentJames reetingsTsengaddressedthegatheringin to all. Section XII has beenEnglish,welcomingFellowsand makingprogressfortheguests. past year - read on to find out more.ICD 2023 International PresidentRegistrar Kenny Lee The 46th Annual scientific meetingHo-Youl Chang traveled to Taipei to was held on Nov. 18-19, 2023, inattend the induction ceremony. ICDFollowing the Induction Ceremo-Taipei, Taiwan. On the first day ofGeneralSecretaryJosephKen- ny, International President Ho-Youl the event, Section XII once againneally sent a video to congratulateChang gave the Fellowship Orien-partneredwiththe AssociationforthenewFellows.ICDSectionVIItation speech to the new Fellows. Dental Science (R.O.C) and invitedJapan President Kagami, and ICDLater on, as the gala dinner drew two speakers to give a talk duringSection XI Korea President Justintoaclose,SectionXIIPresident The Annual Scientific Meeting.Lee also led representatives to Tai- Tsengonceagainremindedall Thefirstspeaker,FellowYi- pei. Fellows of their commitment to our Tseng Chen,talked about how toAfter the opening speeches, themotto:RecognizingServiceand managedentalfranchiseclinics.inducteeswerecalledontotheOpportunity to Serve.The second speaker, Fellow Hsin- stage.InternationalPresidentHo- A New PresidentCheng Liu, talked about ICDs coreYoulChangpledgedsolemnlyon valuesofleadership,recognitionbehalfofalltheinducteestobeOnDec.16,2023,FellowYueh-andhumanitarianism.ThankyoucommittedtoICDgoals. AftertheChao Yang was elected as the new to Section XII President Ying-Kweipledge,FellowTsengmovedthePresident of Section XII. We thank TsengandalltheFellowswhotassel, Fellow Chang awarded theFellow Tseng for his leadership and attended the lectures.certificate,FellowIng-HsiangLeelifetime contribution to our Section.2 6 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'