b'SECTION REPORTSSection VIIJAPANThe Japan Section respects the philosophy and mission of the ICD founders, while adapting to a more diverse and inclusive world.Presidents GreetingofActiveFellowspeakedatovercally receive something in return in Morioki Fujitani 400 in the 1990s and has continuedproportion to the amount you paid.todecline,currentlyatover190.The College respects diversity, This is likely due to the aging Japa- and I am confident that by recogniz-nese population, a decrease in theing the ICD motto in your own way, numberofprospectivemembers,you will not feel lost in your position and an increase in the number ofas a Fellow. One of our main mis-resigning members. sions over the next two years will be RecognizingServiceandtheto increase our membership. I ask OpportunitytoServe. Thisisthefor the cooperation of each commit-motto of the ICD that you are famil- tee and each Fellow, centering on iar with. However, if you are told thisthe Committee for Fellow Support, repeatedly,youmaybehonestlythe Committee for Reformative Pro-wondering what it means. I felt themotion, and the Special Committee for Membership Growth.same way when I joined the ICD.S ect ionVIIJapanisnowinUnderstandingandrespectingI would like to continue practicing session with the announcementthe basic philosophy of the found- the noble philosophyand embodi-thatI,MoriokiFujitani,DDS,erswillhelpeachFellowholdamentoftheJapanSection,which PhD,FICD,willserveasthe33rdhasbeenestablishedandinher-President for two years beginning Junehigh awareness of the importanceited by our wonderful predecessors 1, 2024. of belonging to the ICD. I believewhile adapting to the changes and Section VII publishes the Journalit is fine that each individual Fellowdiversityofthetimes,respecting of the ICD JAPAN Section annually.should have his or her own sense ofdignity,eleganceandcooperation. In Vol. 55, No. 1 of 2024, I wrote theawareness. For example, if you joinIn Fellowship!followingprefatorynotetitledDi- the ICD, you will be able to meet versity and Fellowship to mark myFellows who are actively engaged assumption of the presidency. in various activities in various fields (not only in dentistry), and you will Diversity and Fellowship have the opportunity to get to know otherFellowswhoarehighlyre-ICD Section VII Japan was estab- spected. If you recognize this and lished in 1952 and held its first gen- take the initiative to seek it out, the eralmeetingin April1954.Itwasworld will open up to you. I think itSPECIAL LECTURE by Dr. Hideto recognizedasRegion25in1958would be mentally difficult to contin- Takahashi, President of the Japan andwasadmittedasanautono- ue paying membership dues if youDental Association, given during mous Section in 1959. The numberthoughtthatyouwouldautomati- the 2023 Winter Scientific Meeting.16 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'