b'SECTION REPORTSSection XIVMYANMARDespite the challenges of political instability and conflict, Section XIV continues to offer support to Fellows and those in need in Myanmar. Registrars GreetingFellow Myat Nyan, the chair of themadedonationstoanumber Thin Naing Oo Section XIV Academic Committee,ofdentalhealthcarecentersat organized, published and deliveredInternallyDisplacedPeople(IDP) guidelinesfordentalsurgeonsforcampsacrossthecountry.Due the prevention and control of COV- totheongoingconflict,millions ID-19.Some of our Fellows workedof people have had to leave their at the COVID centers as volunteerhomes or their homes have been health professionals taking care ofdestroyed and they are reliant on COVID patients and those in quar- humanitarian aid.antine.Ongoing Policial UnrestOn Feb. 1, 2021, the Myanmar mili-tary overthrew the elected govern-S ectionXIVMyanmarhasment.There is a growing humani-facedsignifcantchallengestariancrisiswithover2.5million in recent years and has notpeople displaced from their homes beeninapositiontosharenewsand more than 18 million people in ofitsactivites.Wewelcomethisneed. Section XIVs activities were updatefromSectionXIVEditorhaltedfor a time due to insecurity, Myat Nyan. arbitraryarrestsandjailing.Our Fellows continued their activities in-Reflecting on the Pandemic dividually where possible.ShortlyaftertheCOVID-19pan- Continuing Our Supportdemic began in 2019, our SectionSince early 2021 to date, we have took part in donationsof infectioncontinuedprofessionaldevelop-preventionmaterialstohospitalsment program webinars, organized and COVID centers in Yangon andbyMyatNyan.TheSectionhas Mandalay. Since many of our Fel- run a series of training sessions on lowsareleadingmembersoftheprosthodontic treatment, orthodon-Myanmar Dental Association, theretic treatment, dental implant treat-was further involvement in diseasement and endodontic treatment.TACKLING THE PANDEMIC: Section preventionandcontrolactivitiesXIV Myanmar Fellows donated sup-through this organization.SectionXIVMyanmarhasplies and their time to COVID centers. 2 8 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'