b'SECTION REPORTSSection I IIMEXICOICD Mexico is focusing its humanitarian efforts on the most vulnerable communities, and sharing skills online. Presidents GreetingOn Jan. 6, Mexico celebrates theCentral RegencyJos Martnez Martnez Three Wise Men that visited JesusLastYear,adonationfromthe inhismanger.OurtraditionistoGlobalVisionaryFundandHenry givepresentsandaspecialcakeScheinCareswasgiventothe called Rosca de Reyes to children.projectTxededeMaxeitohelp A group of Fellows visited 80 chil- patients with fissured lip and cleft dren from Voces de la Esperanza,palate.FellowsLourdesArvizu, anassociationthathelpschildrenLuis Pars and Roberto Pea Ruiz living in poverty. We donated pres- won this donation and are now in ents and cake. We returned to thecharge of this project. We will also group on Apr. 29 to give the childrenreceive support from post-doctoral orthodonticstudentsfromUniver-85 backpacks and to provide dinnersidadAutnomadeQuertaro.for the teachers and participants. InJuly2023,weheldthefirst I tiswithdeepregretthatweOn Apr. 28, in the rural communi- combined university event with The ty of Barranco Cadereyta, JimenezUniversityofNorthCarolina,Uni-share the news of the passing ofN.L,. we celebrated Childrens DayversidadLatinadeMxico,Cela-our dear Master Fellow Ernesto(Apr.30)bydonatingtoysandya, and Universidad Autnoma de Acua Esnaurrizar, former Interna- Quertaro(UAQ).Freetreatment tional President from Section III. Weclothes to 60 children. In early May,eventstookcareof81children at San Juan, Jimenez N.L., we gaveaged 3 to 6 years old from vulner-will keep him in our hearts forever. 250 children food, fruits and toys,able communities. Thirty-eight stu-andheldapartyforthemwithadentsand16teacherstookpart. North-East Regency clown and a Batman impersonator.Fellowsdonateddentalmaterial One week later, at Ejido La Esper- and MDC Company, Guadalajara, Ourworkisfocusedonthemostanza, Pesquera N.L., help for poorsent dental adhesives and compos-vulnerable communities, with activi- communitiescontinuedwithfoodites.Thankyoutoeveryonewho ties in partnership with the Schooland clothing gifts, a clown for thesupported the event.of Dentistry Universidad Autnomachildren and presents for Mothers BajaCalifornia, Tijuana, at CUESDay for 80 children and 90 adults.(UniversityCenterHealthEduca-tion)anditsstudents. AcrosstwoThankyoutoourcollabora-dental events in March and May, wetors: AsociacinunaSonrisaala completedover330proceedures.Vida,CaritasA.C,GrupoUBACA OnApr.16,weheldadinnertoA.C,ClubdeLeones,Colegiode thank our supporters and gave outOdontlogosdeGuadalupeN.L, certificatesinrecognitionoftheirAsociacinMujeresOdontlogasFELLOWS AND STUDENTS work valuable contributions. NL, and Fundacin ADM.together at the UAQ dental event.8 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'