b'SECTION REPORTSSection XXThe College welcomes its first Fellow from Sierra Leone, and Pakistan and Bangladesh rejoin Section XX.Registrars ReportSold Out Education Program formally thank Pankaj Patel, of Ke-Joseph R. Kenneally The Induction Ceremony was pre- nya, for his service as the Interna-cededbySectionXXsinauguraltional Councilor for Section XX. He continuingeducationprogram,has served the position with distinc-which was presented by a new Fel- tion since 2015, following the tragic low from the Dominican Republic,death of former Councilor Gbemi-Silvano Guzman. The presentationsolaAgbelusi.SectionXXCoun-drewasold-outaudienceofovercilorsserveamaximumofthree 100 and it was very well received. 3-yearterms,andDr.Patelslast term will be completed at the end of A Warm Welcome 2024. He will be missed.Region 24 Pakistan and Region 41SectionXXFellowsareandcon-Bangladesh petitioned the Interna- tinue to be actively involved in edu-S ectionXXhelditsInterna- tional Council to rejoin Section XXcational and humanitarian activities tionalInductionandMeet- and were accepted. Under the lead- throughout each year.ing during the Greater Newership of Region 24 Regent Arshad York Dental Meeting (GNYDM) onMalik and Region 41 Regent MotiurDominican RepublicNov. 25-26, 2023. Thirteen new Fel- Molla, both Regions have been ex-lows from eight countries, includingtremelyactiveineducationalandThe Regent of Region 43 Hispan-ICDs first-ever Fellow from Sierrahumanitarianactivities.Eachex- iola, Laura Reyes of the Dominican Leone, were inducted by Secretarypects to present a large turnout ofRepublic, gave a lecture titled An GeneralJosephKenneally.SierranewFellowsatthe2024Interna- UpdatedApproachtoPharmacol-Leone,awestAfricancountryoftional Convocation in New York CityogyandTherapeuticsAppliedto on Dec. 1, 2024.DentistryandOral-maxillary-facial eightmillionpeople,hasonly12The 2024 International Convoca- Surgery to dental students at the dentists to serve its population. tion is shaping up to be the largestCatholic University of Ciba, Domini-The Induction Ceremony such event ever held, with four Sec- can Republic. tionXX-basedspeakersmaking Theattendeesattheceremonyno-costcontinuingeducationpre- Haitian Immigrant ChildrenincludedeightSectionXXlead- sentationsandmanynewFellowRegion43FellowMagalieTher-ers,EuropeanSectionPresidentcandidatesfromawiderangeofmoise Menand has been attending DovSydney,USASectionPresi- countries.ongoing health fairs in Jacksonville, dentDanFridhandUSASection President-Elect Ira Titunik. A largeThank You for Your Service Florida, USA, to help support pre-GNYDMInternationalReceptionventiveoralhealthactivitieswith followed the Induction Ceremony. The ICD Global Office would like toHaitian immigrant children. 3 2 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'