b'SECTION REPORTSSection XMIDDLE EASTThrough involvement in a national oral health campaign, Section X helped to provide dental care for 250 school children.Presidents GreetingLeading LADRs Scientific Event nizespostgraduateresidentsfrom Nassir AlHamlan Section X contributed to a scientificLebanonsfourmajoruniversities event organized by the Lebanon As- for their exceptional research proj-ects.The2024awardeeswere sociation for Dentofacial ResearchDr. Maya Eter (Beirut Arab Univer-(LADR)inDecember2023atthesity),Dr.RyanHarouny(SaintJo-American University of Beirut. Theseph University), Dr. Mariane Kmeid event,titledQualityofLifeafter(American University of Beirut), and DentofacialTreatmentinAllDen- Dr. Rita Mansour (Lebanese Univer-talSpecialties,featuredsixICDsity). Each recipient presented their Fellows as key speakers. The col- research, sparking engaging discus-laboration highlighted our Sectionssions among attendees. dedication to scientific engagementOnthesameday,District1,in-and the advancement of dental re- ducted eight Fellows at a ceremony search and practice in Lebanon and A memorial was held on Sep.beyond. inBeirut,Lebanon,includingsix Lebanese and two Iraqi dentists. De-20,2024,attheAmericanspite regional conflicts, the event was University of Beirut in tributeDistrict 1 - 2024 Inductionsuccessfullyorganized,showcasing to the late Joseph W. Tamari, whoCeremony and Annual Scien- global unity through video messages was our Sections President Emeritustific Meetingfrom International President Argirios from the revival of the Middle EastThe 31st Section X Scientific Meet- PissiotisandSectionXPresident Section in the late 1980s. Joe wasing took place on Jan. 20, 2024, atAlHamlan. Following the formal pro-the Gefinor Rotana Hotel in Beirut,ceedings, a dinner allowed attendees International President in 1981 and aLebanon. This half-day event cen- tonetwork,fosteringbondswithin guiding light for keeping our Sectionteredaroundtwoparts,withpre- the dental community. autonomous.sentations from renowned speakers Dr. Pascale Habre and Dr. Joy El- District 2 - Induction CeremonyDr. Tamariscontributionstothelian, both addressing key advance- This year, Section X held an induc-American University of Beirut havements in digital dentistry. The meet- tion ceremony in Dubai to welcome been countless in terms of fundingingattractedadiverseaudience,three new Fellows. The event em-research, encouraging and provid- including dental professionals fromphasizedtheneedforunityand ingfinancialsupportforthetrain- Lebanon and various specialties. collaborationinuncertaintimes, ing of more than 350 professionalsreinforcing ICD core values. Hosted from the West Bank, and, most ofA highlight of the event was theat the Center for Advanced Profes-all, his contribution to the creationpresentationoftheGeryTabou- sionalPractices(CAPP),thecer-rianResearchAward,establishedemony also featured online stream-of a full department for Dentofacialby former ICD Section X Presidenting support for remote participation Medicine.Gery Tabourian. This award recog- from Lebanon. 2 2 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'