b'SECTION REPORTSSection IXPHILIPPINESThe ICD-GK Village has seen lot of development over the past year, with 14 new homes built and the dental clinic welcoming its first patients.Past Presidents Greetingnificant difference in our communi- tarian,educationalandleadership Maria Sheryl Villareal-Borja ties and advancedthe practice ofprojects and initiatives for the dental dentistry in our region. profession and the community. I would like to extend my heart-felt thanks to the ICD International55th Annual ConvocationCouncilfortheircontinuoussup- Section IX celebrated the 55th An-port.Yourguidanceandencour- nual Convocation and Banquet on agementhasbeeninvaluable,Jan. 29, 2023, with the theme: Em-helpingusachieveourgoalsand further our mission. As we embracebracing the Tides of Change. The the future, let us carry forward theevening started with a procession of wisdomofthisquotebyCharlesall Fellows with guest of honor, 2023 Darwin:ItisnotthestrongestofICD International President Ho Youl thespeciesthatsurvive,northeChang.Withhonorandprivilege, most intelligent,but the one mostFellowSherylVillareal-Borjatook Areflect on the past year,responsive to change. Indeed, ourheroathasSectionIXPresident s Iability to adapt and evolve has beenwithPresidentHoYoulChangas Iamfilledwithimmensethe cornerstone of our success, andInductingOfficer.Inherinaugural gratitudeandprideforit will continue to drive us towardsaddress, President Borja presented theincrediblejourneywehavegreater heights.embarkedupontogether.Servingher programs for the year. as the Immediate Past President ofPresidents Greeting Section IX Philippines, has been aIlluminada Viloria Accomplishments for 2023profoundlyrewardingexperience, andIamdeeplythankfulfortheTheStudentLeadershipProgram unwavering support of our officerswelcomed 200 dental students from and all our dedicated Fellows. universities nationwide to an online Thethemeforour2023term,educational event. Our gratitude to Embracing the Tides of Change,Fellow Ryan Tiongco, Chairperson hastrulybeenourguidinglight.of the event, and to the Deans of Throughoutthisperiod,wehavethe different colleges, student lead-navigatedthroughnumerousers and Fellows who supported it. challengesandcelebratedmanyOurFacultyDevelopmentPro-achievements.Fromtheimpactfulgramgathersdeansandfaculty buildingofadentalhome,tothemembers from different dental uni-constructionof14additionalGa-wadKalingahouses,andinnova- versitiesandcollegesintheNa-tive seminars and workshops. OurI am privileged to lead ICD SectiontionalCapitalRegiontodiscuss collective efforts have made a sig- IX and carry on the diverse humani- advancing new initiatives in teach-2 0 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'