b',SECTION REPORTSLIMASSOL IMAGES, Humanitarian Forum presenters (Top), Dov Sydney surprises Werner Lill with thepresidents medallion (LL), Call to Order-Induction Ceremony (LR).Reflections from LimassolUSA President Ira Titunik, who ac- The Gala Dinner provided a fit-The 67th Annual Meeting of the Eu- tively participated. ting conclusion, celebrating cama-ropean Section of the InternationalRegistrants received real-time up- raderie, friendship and Fellowship College of Dentists (ICD) was helddates via an enhanced messagingamongattendees,bothnewand from June 21-23, 2024, in Limas- platform, providing event start times,returning. This historic gathering in sol,Cyprus.ThoughCyprushasvenuelocationsandopportunitiesLimassolembodiedtheenduring been a county member of the Sec- forengagementthroughquestionsmission and spirit of the European tion for many years, this is the firstand comments.Section, leaving a lasting impres-time the prestigious annual meetingsion on all participants.has been held in the island nation.TheHumanitarianProgram Chaired by President Dov Sydneyfeatured over 25 student and Fellow2024 Officersandco-chairedbyDistrict9Re- presentations of innovative projectsPresident: Werner LillgentEphraimWinocur,andViceutilizingadvancedtechnology,President Elect: Mauro LabancaRegents Pessi Friedman and Vladiallowingforanimmerseivevirtual Dvoyris,themeetingsorganizingposterexperience,alongwithVice President: Santiago Janecommitteeaimedtohighlighttheimpactfulon-stagepresentationsPast President: S. Dov SydneySections dedication to humanitar- introduced by MC Phillip Dowell. ThisRegistrar: Mark Wrightian and educational excellence. pioneeringapproach,generouslyTreasurer: Maren De WitsupportedbyHenryScheinInc.Editor: Michael ThomasOver220attendeesgatheredand the ICD Global Visionary Fund, intheparadise-likesettingoftheunderscored the Sections forward-elegantParkLaneHotel,whichthinking ethos. Contact Informationserved as the congress headquatersThereveredandhighlyIC D Section V Europeand venue for all events, ensuring aanticipatedInductionCeremonyDr. Mark Wrightseamlessexperiencefreeoftrans- honored51newFellowsfromBrockenhurst, Ashtead Laneportationchallenges.Distinguishedacross Europe, forming one of theGodalming, Surrey, GU7 1SY, UKguestsincludedICDGlobalPresi- largest and most diverse classes inwww.icd-europe.comdent Argirios Pissiotis and Section Ithe Sections history. [email protected] GLOBE2024No. 2SECTION REPORTS 13'