b'SECTION REPORTSSECTION XV WELCOMES all Fellows to their upcoming international conference in Malaysia.ThisdiversityensuresthatourinvolvedinprovidingfreedentalLooking Aheadsection remains at the cutting edgecaretounderservedpopulations.Section XV remains focused on ex-of developments across all facets ofThese efforts not only improve oralpanding its reach and impact. We will dentistry, making us a vibrant andhealthoutcomesbutalsofostercontinuetostrengthenourleader-inclusive community within ICD. goodwill and elevate the standingship, foster collaboration among our of the dental profession in society. Fellows, and uphold the ICDs tradi-Key Activities and Initiatives - International networking: Throughtion of excellence. Our annual International Conferenceourconferencesandworkshops,Weeagerlyanticipatewelcom-andInductionCeremonyremainsweprovideaplatformforden- ing Fellows to Penang, Malaysia, in the flagship event, but we also orga- talprofessionalsfromaroundthe2025,andwelookforwardtocon-nize other educational and humani- world to connect, collaborate, andtinuingourworktoadvanceoral tarian initiatives throughout the year.share ideas, further enhancing thehealth globally.These activities include: global dental community.- Hands-on workshops: Training ses- -Dentalstudentworkshops:En-sions designed to enhance practicalgagingwiththefutureleadersof skills in key areas of dentistry. OurdentistryisapriorityforSection2024 Officersworkshopsoftenfeaturecutting- XV.Ourworkshopsandmentor- President: DatoHow Kim Chuanedge techniques and technologies,ship programs aim to inspire andRegistrar: John Yu Kong LingallowingparticipantstostayatthepreparedentalstudentsfortheTreasurer: Dominic Leung Wing Hungforefront of their profession. challengesandopportunitiesthatAssistant Treasurer: David Tan - Webinars: We provide accessiblelie ahead.learningopportunitiesthroughwe- - Young Dentists Leadership Train-binars,whichenableFellowsanding: We are committed to develop- Contact Informationnon-members alike to engage withingthenextgenerationofdentalICD Section XV Office thelatestresearchandpracticesleadersthroughtargetedleader- No. 62&64, Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Barufrom anywhere in the world. shiptrainingprogramsforyoungKuala Lumpur 59100, Malaysia-Humanitarianactivities:Commu- dentists, empowering them to takeTel: +603 9212 0605nityserviceiscentraltoourmis- [email protected], and our Fellows are activelycommunities and beyond. www.icdxv.comTHE GLOBE2024No. 2SECTION REPORTS 3 1'