b'SECTION REPORTSNATIONAL ORAL HEALTH CAMPAIGN Doctors and post-graduate residents with some of the children who visited the Faculty of Dentistry at the Lebanese University as part of the drive to promote oral and dental health in young people. Study Club Meetings Henry Schein Cares Donation Around 250 students from sever-On May 15, 2024, speakers CarlaThe project involved full mouth re- al schools were seen and benefited Zogheib and Wajih el Hajj spoke onhabilitationforfourpatientswithfrom a free examination and appli-Root Canal Retreatment Strategiesspecialneedscarriedoutincol- cation of topical fluoride varnish.for Better Outcomes and Elabora- laboration with the School of Den-tion of a Valid Engineered Multispe- talMedicine,LebaneseUniversity ciesBiofilm,respectively.Thethrough the effort of Regent Edmond2024 Officersmeeting had a full attendance ofKoyess and Treasurer Khaled, withPresident: Nassir AlHamlanprofessionalsfromtheAmericansupport from Henry Schein Cares. President Elect: Philip SouhaidUniversity and the Dental SchoolImm. Past President: Nadim of Saint Joseph University, as wellNational Oral Health Campaign AbouJaoudeas several Fellows. We participated in a national cam- Registrar: Anthony MacariOn Sep. 7, 2024, a joint meetingpaigntopromoteoralanddentalTreasurer: Fadl Khalidof the Section with the Lebanesehealth in children throughout Febru- Editor: Ramzi HaddadDentalAssociationwasheldinary 2024. The event is organized by Tripoli. Nine Fellows spoke underthe Lebanese Society of PediatricContact Informationthe theme of Quality of Life AfterDentistry, sponsored by the MinistryICD Section X Middle EastDentalTreatments.Thefieldsof Health, and in collaboration withAtt: Dr. Nadim AbouJaoudcovered were prosthodontics, pe- theDentalAssociationsinLeba- Oscar Center, 4th Fl, P.O. Box 179-60 dodontics, orthodontics, periodon- non, Beirut and Tripoli, with the par- Jal-el-Deeb, Lebanontics,implants,oralsurgeryandticipation of universities, health [email protected]. private associations. www.icdme.com THE GLOBE2024No. 2SECTION REPORTS 2 3'