b'SECTION REPORTSURUGUAY 2023 CONVOCATION CEREMONY: Section IV South America welcomed new Fellows at a ceremony in Montevideo, Uruguay.rio Scarrone was a doctor in odontol- Paraguay Report 176professionals,includingdoc-ogy, who devoted his life to teachingInSeptember2023,doctorsfromtors,nurses,techniciansandoth-and performing remarkable surgicalthe graduating class of 1983 fromers,whoaccompaniedasupport interventions.the Universidad Nacional de Asun- delegationof122people.Over We express our heartfelt gratitudecion Facultad de Medicina provided7,300medicalanddentaltreat-and admiration to both Dr. Scarroneapproximately9,300freehealth- ments,procedures,studiesand andhiswork.Hisdedicationhascare assists across medical, dentalsurgeries were performed with sup-left an indelible mark, positively im- care, conferences and talks, story- port from invited professionals from pacting both students and patients.telling and interactive games.different specialties. Thank you for your invaluable con-tribution to the field of dentistry. The delegation was made up of 2024 OfficersPresident: Elena KavaliauskisPast President: Ruben Di Tore Past Vice President:Raul Vera Lubary Councillor: lvaro GadolaRegistrar:Alicia DomecTreasurer: Richard JaureguyContact InformationICD Section IVRegistrar Alicia Domec UruguayPhone: 598(99)138725FELLOWS PAY TRIBUTE to the late Professor Mario Scarrone. [email protected] GLOBE2024No. 2SECTION REPORTS 11'