b'SECTION REPORTSTHE 2024 INDUCTION CEREMONY in Vancouver, British Columbia, welcomed 40 new Fellows.Dental Association and the Cana- Transparent Practices ofdentalcareforpopulationsin dianDentalAssociationinWinni- Theimplementationofprogramneed. Training and capacity build-peg, Manitoba, on Apr. 17-18, 2026.changeshasfacilitatedprogramsing could be obtained by partnering We welcome any international ICDand processes. Over the years, wewith local health organizations and members in these two cities. hadkeptthenominationprocessgovernments to develop healthcare confidentialwhileotherICDSec- providersandcontinuingeduca-tion.Morescholarshipscouldbe Registrars Reporttions had never had a confidentialobtainedforstudentsorprofes-Gordon Thompson process or had changed it to be ansionals while public health research Wehavereceivedadditionalsup- open one. The changes have madeand oral health advocacy could be portthisyearfromFellowLyleit easier for individuals and commit- increased. BestofQuikcardSolutions,whotees to review and make changes isfundingtheDentistryStudentfor virtual and regular meetings andOneareathatseemstohave Scholarship Program for five years,reduces timelines. become more significant in recent including the current year, via theyears,andwhichcanbeeasily QuikcardCharitableFoundation.The Bulletin overlooked,istheprovisionofdi-TheprogramprovidesfundingforWe used to publish an annual re- saster relief dental care as an emer-a third-year student scholarship forport in the form of the ICD Canadagency response to natural disasters eachofthetenCanadiandentalNewsletter. Last year ICD Canadaor a humanitarian crisis.schools.TheQuikcardCharitableEditor,DrewSmith,changedthe Foundationhasfundedthispro- format to The Bulletin, which is pub-gram since 2020. lishedmorefrequently.Thispub- 2024 OfficersThe William J. Spence ICD Me- licationutilizesplentyofpicturesPresident: Maureen Lefebvremorial Foundation funded projectsand focuses on topical issues andPresident Elect: Lisa Bentleyinternationally in Guatemala (Healthdetailed information on Fellows in- Vice President: Terrie LogueOutreach - Dr. Rick Caldwell, Temis- dividually and collectively. All in all,Past President: Ed OBrienkamingShores,Ontario),EthiopiaThe Bulletin has been very well re- Registrar: Gordon Thompson(Hopethiopia - Ralph Pisko-Dubien- ceived by the membership. Editor: Drew Smithski, Calgary, Alberta) and TanzaniaUtilizing Artificial Intelligence(SemiamhooIfakara-LesEnnis,Contact InformationSurrey, British Columbia).Two ofWe continue to examine all aspectsDr. Gordon Thompsonthe projects were also given instru- of the developing framework for po- 2318 Rutherford Way SWmentsbyHenryScheinCanadatential ICD humanitarian programs.Edmonton, Alberta, through the Global Visionary Fund.Our AI review noted that the Inter-OneCanadiannot-for-profitclinicnational College at all levels couldT6W 1P4 Canadawasfunded-IntheCompanyoffocusonarangeofhumanitarianTel: +1 (780) 993-0615Friends (Winnipeg), led by A. Kim,programsthatalignwithpromot-
[email protected], Manitoba. ingoralhealthandtheprovisionwww.icd-canada.orgTHE GLOBE2024No. 2SECTION REPORTS 7'