b'SECTION REPORTSTHE 2024 CONVOCATION of Section VII Japan gathered new Fellows and leaders of Section VII together with ICD leaders from Taiwan and Korea.Annual Meeting and Induction Hideto Takahashi, President of theandHopesfortheFuture.Each The 2023 Annual Meeting and In- JapanDentalAssociation,underlectureprovidedpracticalinsights duction Ceremony was held in per- the title, Lets Bring a Renaissancedirectly applicable to clinical prac-son for the first time in three yearstotheDentalWorld!Aimingtoticeandpresentedvaluableper-on June 3, 2023, at the Hotel Met- BreakFreefromtheSlump.Hisspectivesonthefutureofdental ropolitan Edmont in Tokyo, bringinginvaluableinsightswerewellre- care in an aging society.together a total of 113 Fellows. ceived by attendees.The ceremony began with the en- As part of the entertainment pro-tranceofnewFellows.Eachnewgram, President Kagami personally2024 OfficersFellow received a Key, Certificate,tookthestageandenergizedthePresident: Morioki FujitaniCharterandBadge.FollowingaaudiencewithaperformanceofPresident Elect: Makoto Koitabashi ceremonialaddressbythen-Pres- Wagaku Taiko.ident Kagami, the 10 new FellowsVice Presidents: Yoshihiro Suzumura, tooktheofficialFellowshipoath.2nd Winter Scientific Meeting Akiko IshikawaPart 2 featured a special lecturePast President: Noriaki KagamibyMr.MasahikoHorie,followedOn Mar. 10, 2024, the 54th AnnualTreasurer: Katsufumi Nakamuraby a live Tsugaru Shamisen perfor- Winter Scientific Meeting was heldEditor: Yoshinobu Imamuramance by Mr. Masaru Yamakage.attheCentennialMemorialHallRegistrar: Kengo Maejima After the video message from theoftheNihonUniversitySchoolof Global ICD President, the Chair ofDentistry. The theme was Propos- Deputy Registrar: Koichi Kitamura the Taiwan Section and represen- als from Dentists for a Super-Aging tativesfromsponsorcompaniesSociety. We had the privilege of re-delivered remarks. The new Fel- ceiving lectures from Dr. Takahiko lowsgavespeeches,introducingShibahara, titled What You ShouldContact InformationthemselvesandexpressingtheirKnow AboutOralCancer,Dr. YuICD Section VII Japandetermination to contribute to theKataoka, titled The Trend of Dental ICD moving forward. Materials to Support a Super-Aging2-6-22 Shimoochiai, Shinjuku-kuSociety, and Dr. Takeyoshi Yoneya- Tokyo, 161-8558, JapanWinter Scientific Meeting ma, titled Is the Oral EnvironmentTel: +81 3-3952-5155The2023WinterScientificMeet- Creating Health Disparities AmongFax: +81 3-5982-7751ing was held on Dec. 16, 2023. Thethe Public?!Reflections on [email protected] lecture was delivered by Dr.40 Years of Home Care Medicinewww.icd-japan.gr.jpTHE GLOBE2024No. 2SECTION REPORTS 17'