Past President’s Report Bgen Reynaldo C. Torres It’s a great honor and privilege to serve the ICD Philippines Section IX with pride, as I shared my aspira- tions and vision as President. I will cherish throughout my life all our achievements that we gained, be it small or big, as we defined our roles in these noble undertakings. I’m blessed that our Fellows provided me with a strong team to work with. I could see the results of the goals completed as I had laid in my flag- ship program that I aspired when I started the race. My congratulations to Fellow Liza C. Centeno and her board of of- ficers, who will continue to uphold the ICD Mission, Motto and Objec- tives with much enthusiasm and passion for more focus on Section IX and ICD in general. 2018 Officers President: Maria Liza C. Centeno President Elect: Presciosa L. Tanagon Vice President: Gary V. Brillo Secretary: Maria Sheryl Villareal-Borja Treasurer: Gladys Tong-So Editor: Vivian Gabaldon Past President: Bgen Reynaldo Torres Auditor: Fidel S. Bondoc Directors: Cecilia T. Diego Georgina R. Remulla PRO: Ma. Victoria S. Pangilinan Contact Information ICD Section IX Philippines Unit 225 Princeville Condo S. Laurel St., Mandaluyon City 1550 Philippine Island Tel: (63+) 917 531 5709 [email protected] Fr. Anton Cecilio T. Pascual talked about “Spirituality”. The Second Quarterly Business Meeting and BB Erana Memorial Lecture was held at CY Campos Hall Bayanihan Center, Mandaluy- ong City, where the Honorable Sen- ator and Father of Philippines Local Government Unit Aquilino “Nene” Pimentel Jr. shared his valuable in- sights on Philippine future agenda “Federalism”. Student Scholarships This year, Section IX granted two deserving students, Ms. Clarisse M. Gelaga, of Cebu Doctors Univ., and Mr. Jesher Nonales Nicolas, of Univ. of Baguio. This was made possible by a grant donated by Section IX Past President, Fellow Joseph P. Macasiray, and Fellow James Huang, facilitated by its Chair Fellow Marie Antonnette R. Veluz. Faculty Development The very successful ICD Faculty Development Program, chaired by Fellow Margaret C. Tiu with Co- Chair Fellow Ma Lourdes H. Pa- caldo, was held August 26, 2017, at the Presidential Lounge 8th floor Medical Arts Bldg., De Los Santos Medical Center, Quezon City. There were 56 faculties from different dental schools all over the country participating in the workshop, with Dean Prof. Evelina Maclang-Vicen- cio, PHD, as the Guest Lecturer, lecturing on “Creativity in Dental Education”. The De Los Santos Medical Center, sponsored the said activities. Community Development Community Development Program Chairman and Section IX President Bgen Reynaldo C. Torres’ immea- surable dedication and commitment to service manifests as he directs and organizes the multifarious out- reach activities of ICD Philippines, Co-Chaired by Fellow Eugenius Esteban. Mass blood donations were conducted at the Trinity Univ. of Asia, AFP Dental Service Cen- ter, and PVS Hall of De Los Santos Medical Center, where 400 bags of blood were collected for patients needing blood transfusions. Medical and dental sessions were conducted at Apelo Cruz Elemen- tary School Malibay, Pasay City, City Hall of Mandaluyong City and Barangay Mabiclat, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija, where more than 2,000 pa- tients were treated. Section IX Fellows participated in the dental mission with Dr. Ed de La Vega, of Dentistry For Every Village foundation, at Aeta Rehabilitation Center Antioch Psalmville Church Porac, Pampanga. Our special thanks goes to Hapee toothpastes, Mr. Raul C. Pagdanganan De Los Santos Medical Center, Miles for Smiles Dental Health Clinic, Lt. Gen. Salvador Mison Jr., Lt. Gen. Edgar Fallorina, Col. Ruth Peralta, and Col. Harold B. Constantino. THE GLOBE 2018 SECTION REPORTS 4 3