NEW FELLOWS of 2017 and ICD leaders. 2018 Officers President: Tadashi Mizutani President Elect: Takashi Miyazaki Vice President: Motoko Suda Setsuya Suzuki Past President: Kikuo Kobayashi Treasurer: Hisako Nanasawa Editor: Noriaki Kagami Registrar: Kengo Maejima Deputy Registrar: Jinichi Kawashima Contact Information ICD Section VII Japan 22-6-2 Shimoochiai, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 161-8558, Japan Tel: +81 3-3952-5155 Fax: +81 3-5982-7751
[email protected] 2017 Journal of ICD Japan (in Japanese) of the organization is that medi- cal care stemming from advanced science technology is a necessity while ethical behavior by individu- als is expected. This is the under- lying basis of dentists or people who serve in the dental industry. The ICD is going to reach its 100th anniversary in 2020. This memo- rable occasion will be held in Japan along with an international board meeting. In order to accomplish a successful assembly, a commit- tee has already been launched for its preparation. All Sections abroad have a high expectation for how the Japan Section will be able to orga- nize this milestone. We will continue to work as one in order to meet their expectations. Let us share the joy of participating in the anniversary! Annual Induction Ceremony The Annual Meeting and Induction Ceremony was held at the “Ark Hills Club” in Roppongi, Tokyo, following on from the Council Meeting and Annual Meeting, which was held on May 20, 2017. PHOTO ALBUM Last year we had 19 new members. The initiates were told the principles of the ICD as they were given certificates, badges and keys, and were authorized as Fellows. Following the instruction of Chairperson Mizutani and International Chairperson Rajesh Chandna, new Fellow Noritaka Hada finished making his pledge before a closing address from Vice-President Suda at the solemn ceremony. We also invited Mr. Koji Ya- manaka, who gave a special talk on “The Challenges of Interna- tional Spacecraft Development”. Winter Scientific Meeting The ICD Japanese Sectional Winter Academic Meeting was performed at Nippon Dental University Life Department of Dentistry, Kudan Hall. The academic meeting’s main themes were delivered by four Fellows, Hiroo Takeuchi, Satoru Motoyama, Hajime Tokiwa, and Waki Tomonori, who all gave a lecture on “Clinical Hint Update” this winter. In the lecture, these Fellows gave imparted important points of wisdom from their specialist knowledge in their clinical life. The ideas expressed in the lecture are rarely heard in daily life and can lead to improvements in clinics. 2016 Year-End Meeting The 2016 Year-End Meeting of the ICD Japan Section was held at the Imperial Hotel. Prefectural Governor Mr. Eikei Suzuki gave a special lecture about the achievement of “The Ise-shima Summit and Ise-jingu” that was held in Mie prefecture, discussing its economic impact on Japanese society. THE GLOBE 2018 SECTION REPORTS 3 9