would like to particularly thank Ian for bringing us closer together and keeping us well-informed through his initiated regular Zoom meetings. A special thank you to Donna Brode as she completes her term as International Councilor and Peter DeGiacomo, who has com- pleted his position as Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. With continued dedication from our CLASS OF 2017 and ICD leaders. Registrar’s Report Bob Baker The year 2017 was the second year of important updates to our Constitution and Bylaws. In response to direction from the Board of Regents and recommendations from the Strategic Planning Committee, amendments were developed to further update the format of the Constitution and Bylaws, reflect current practices, and create opportunities to improve the function and administration of our Section and Board. More specifically, the changes align the establishment of committees with the preferred practices of the Board, support an issue-based agenda for Board meetings, allow for the development of policies and procedures, and further revision of the Constitution and Bylaws. We are fortunate to have Marcel Van Woensel, a graduate lawyer and dentist, as the Chair of our ConstitutionandBylawsCommittee. The Class of 2017 was the second largest class of new Fellows to convocate into Section II. In fact, in the last three years, 145 new Fellows have been welcomed to the Canadian Section. When you consider that the current total number of Fellows in the Canadian Section is 740, the number of new Fellows convocated in the past three years is evidence that our 2018 Officers President: Cliff H. Swanlund President Elect: Patti E. Grassick Vice President: A. Drew Smith Past President: Ian M. Doyle Registrar: Robert C. Baker Treasurer: Allan B. Baker Editor: J. Brian Clark Contact Information ICD Section II Canada 210-1600 Kenaston Blvd., Ste. 323 Tel: +1 (204) 349-3014 Fax: +1 (204) 349-3029
[email protected] www.icd-canada.org recruitment strategies are effective. The generosity of our Fellows in making donations to fund the humanitarian projects funded by the W. J. Spence ICD Memorial Foundation is evidenced by the fact that the Board of Regents approved the recommendations of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for the granting of $39,237 to five worthy humanitarian projects. Once again, the Board approved the granting of 10 student awards of $1,000 each, plus a plaque cer- tificate to each award winner in the 10 Faculties of Dentistry in Canada. Registrar, Master Fellow Bob Baker, Treasurer Fellow Allan Baker, Edi- tor, Website Manager Life Fellow Brian Clark, our Regents, Deputy Regents and other officers, Section II looks forward to another success- ful year that culminates with our next meeting in Charlottetown, PEI on Aug. 23-24, 2018. This will be held in conjunction with the annual Canadian Dental Association meet- ing. We hope to see you there! THE GLOBE 2018 SECTION REPORTS 2 9